HydroBlockchain / community-brainstorming

A place for the Hydro Community to discuss ideas for the HCDP
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Hydro Treasure Hunt Game #43

Open Tweevie opened 5 years ago

Tweevie commented 5 years ago

As gaming/gambling dApps are gaining traction on some of the top crypto platforms I.e. Eos & Tron and with the Hydro dApp Store just around the corner I think having a unique and popular dApp game is vital to thrusting Hydro into the spotlight to rival the top platforms dApps.

Well I think I have in idea for a game that could do just that as it would be fun, exciting and rewarding... remember the very popular pokemon go game (never played it myself) it was all the rage and had players of all ages in a sort of treasure hunt to catch all the different pokemon... well imagine a dApp hydro treasure hunt game where you go in search for the treasures (Hydro/Crypto) at all sorts of different locations and you would need to collect different type of digger creatures that help you dig certain terrain so you have to collect/buy creatures before you go on the hunt and when the creatures dig up the treasure it reveals how much Hydro/Crypyo you've found.

This was just the initial idea but could be tweeked to be more user friendly and simple but I think the key parts here is the treasure being crypto, I could see something like this taking off in a big way.

Get brainstorming guys 👍
