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Main Open-Source GitHub Hydro Snowflake Smart Contract Library #58

Open Luiserebii opened 5 years ago

Luiserebii commented 5 years ago


After having worked with Hydro Snowflake smart contracts in a previous bounty, I constructed a few abstractions which built on top of the raw Snowflake contracts.

Some of these abstractions included:

Their role in the architecture can be seen in the following diagram below: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Luiserebii/HydroSnowflake-Marketplace-Coupons/master/docs/Snowflake%20Coupon%20Marketplace%20-%20Hydro%20Bounty.png

After constructing these, I realized that there is huge potential for the creation of a main open-source GitHub Hydro Snowflake Smart Contract Library which can be used to facilitate fast creation of Hydro dApps, and act as supporting kind of framework. Creating something along these lines would provide Hydro developers with peer-reviewed, audited, and well-documented code for their contracts, something akin to OpenZeppelin's contract library. Along with examples showcasing simple Hydro Snowflake dApps which can be used, I think that this could provide a bridge between the lower-level libraries and dApps in production. All of the advantages of using common open-source dependencies apply here.

What is the development you want done?

There are many ideas which I would love to share if there is interest in this, the ones which come to mind are crowdsale contracts, ERC721, ERC777 (Burnable, Capped, Detailed, Mintable, Pausable), perhaps even ERC20 for some use cases!

What are the deliverables?

A public repository of Solidity code on GitHub submitted to the Hydro community GitHub, complete with tests for each module (hooked up to Travis CI), documentation, and sample contracts/examples of usage. These examples should be runnable contracts which can be deployed to and verified on Etherscan, and sufficient documentation to show how the library is being applied, and suggestions on potential dApps that can be built on top of these dependencies.

Would love to hear thoughts on this. If there is support, I can create a formal proposal with design specs and defined deliverables.

Thanks! Luiserebii