HydroBlockchain / community-brainstorming

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Hydro Competitive Landscape 2x2 Infographic #8

Open MasterSensei opened 5 years ago

MasterSensei commented 5 years ago


2x2 infographic (or something similar in style) showing the different phases of Hydro - Raindrop, Snowflake, Ice, Tide, Most - and what the Hydro App will be displacing. One of the compelling marketing pitches for Hydro is the complete end to end ecosystem. Why integrate and download 20 apps, when you can have 1 that does it for you. This is a similar platform pitch that Stripe has found successful, along with Ebay, or Amazon on the e-commerce side.

The designer can find the top crypto projects and off-chain projects in each category to place in the design. For example, for KYC there would be Civic, uPort, Jumio, Idology, Selfkey etc.


One .ai or similar file with a design. The Element design kit and Hydrogen brand kit could be used for any collateral and color schemes.

Next Steps

DA review before adding to HCDP

This infographic will be used on social media, in Hydrogen presentations, and potentially on SEO pages of the Hydro site

milvinae commented 5 years ago

Keep it simple with minimal text, possibly a phone either side of the infographic, with the phone screen on the left full of app icons (i.e. google, authy, Civic, uPort, Jumio, Idology, Selfkey, storj, ripple, numerai etc.) and the one on the right with just the Hydro app icon on screen.

Then Hydro branding and maybe 'Authentication|Identity|Documents|Payment|AI' at the base of the infographic.

MasterSensei commented 5 years ago

Keep it simple with minimal text, possibly a phone either side of the infographic, with the phone screen on the left full of app icons (i.e. google, authy, Civic, uPort, Jumio, Idology, Selfkey, storj, ripple, numerai etc.) and the one on the right with just the Hydro app icon on screen.

Then Hydro branding and maybe 'Authentication|Identity|Documents|Payment|AI' at the base of the infographic.

Something like this would work too!