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Batch processing multiple grid data to create timeseries in grid to point converter #19

Closed Shamsalamin closed 3 years ago

Shamsalamin commented 3 years ago

I am trying to create a DSS timeseries out of 24 GRIB format hourly precipitation files. using the grid to point converter. I don't seem to able to add more than 1 file at a time. Is it possible to add mutliple grib files and generate the timeseries using this utility? Thanking you in anticipation.

tombrauer commented 3 years ago

Hello @Shamsalamin,

The grid-to-point-converter is working under the premise that you have one file with many internal gridded records. This is common for HEC-DSS and NetCDF file formats, but not as common with GRIB. I recommend using the importer utility to read your grids into HEC-DSS format, then using the grid-to-point-converter utility to convert the gridded DSS records to point time-series.

Shamsalamin commented 3 years ago

Hi @tombrauer , Thanks! That did work. One thing though- I noticed when I was trying to use the importer plugin to import the whole grid file it was showing empty DSS (after using the grid to point plugin). But when I used the clipping option using a shape file in the Importer step and then used the grid to point it went smoothly. Nonetheless, definitely a great tool and timesaver for what we are trying to do.

tombrauer commented 3 years ago

If you're not already, I recommend using a v.3.* build of HEC-DSSVue. You can download here: https://www.hec.usace.army.mil/software/hec-dssvue/downloads/dev/

Hopefully that fixes the empty grid issue. If there is something else going on, feel free to report.