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BatchImporter with dataType in write_options results in blank partE #61

Closed danhamill closed 2 years ago

danhamill commented 2 years ago

I am working on importing hourly grids of temperature I have formatted to follow the geoTiff naming conventions. Sample data provided here:


If I do not specify dataType in the write_options, The data are imported with dataType of PER-CUM. The resulting dss records appear complete and match the input source grids.


If I specify dataType of INST-VAL, the data import but the partE pathnames are blank.


If I view the grids in dssvue, the values in the grid are correct, but the images have a different color ramp:


From other datasets I have developed, I always thought grids in dssvue have a black color when they data values correspond to nodata. I am most used to seeing grids that have green colors assigned to the lowest values in the color ramp. Is this expected dssvue behavior?

Looking through grid info, it appears the end time is populated even though partE shows up as blank.


tombrauer commented 2 years ago

The E-part should be empty for INST-VAL grids. I would try renaming your rasters so that only one date time stamp is included in the name. This will avoid the conflicting instructions to be both an INST-VAL grid AND include an E-part.

For the INST-VAL Grid Info, the Start Time should match the D-part and the End Time should either be equal to the Start Time or should be some null value that corresponds to the "beginning of time," around the year 1900.

danhamill commented 2 years ago

Good to know. Thanks for the advice.