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Compression Method in DSS file #78

Open kjslover opened 1 year ago

kjslover commented 1 year ago

Not sure if an issue or incompatibility. Using the updated release (0.10.31-rc.1), the importer will import TIF formatted rasters as "ZLIB Deflate (26)", which subsequently cannot be read by HMS 4.8. Reverting back to the older release (0.10.27-rc.2), the first raster imported would be imported as "ZLIB Deflate (26)", but subsequent rasters would import as PRECIP_2_BYTE, which can be read by HMS 4.8.
Is there somewhere to specify the compression method to ensure all rasters are imported as PRECIP_2_BYTE? Note, all input rasters are 32BIT Float raster (MRMS/StageIV/AORC), with the naming convention of: precip_XXX_to_XXX.tif, and are recognized in HEC DSSVue as precip data.

tombrauer commented 1 year ago

@kjslover can you send a handful of your rasters for me to test with? I'm guessing this has to do with the DSS library update that happened between versions but can't be sure without testing. Tagging @ktarbet FYSA.

kjslover commented 1 year ago

MRMS_2016-08-09T1400_to_2016-08-09-1500.zip @tombrauer Just uploaded a ZIP file here. Let me know if if you can't get them and I can send them using my OneDrive

tombrauer commented 1 year ago

@kjslover I took a look at the rasters and things look ok. Can you send your HEC-HMS project with the failing grids?

kjslover commented 1 year ago

@tombrauer The HMS project is a bit large to upload. I'm attaching a subset of the DSS file where I am seeing the first grid imported as ZLIB Deflate and the subsequent files are the PRECIP_2_BYTE. I've also attached the scripts I am using, as everything is being done via the Jython.
Are you thinking that HMS should understand ZLIB as a raster format? I did a quick test in HMS 4.8, setting my start time to 8AUG2016 23:00 and get the error: "ERROR 20131: No gridded precipitation data record found from grid "August2016" at time interval ending at 08Aug2016, 23:05." Setting the start date to 09AUG2016 00:00 works without problems. Tangipahoa_GridPrecip.zip

tombrauer commented 1 year ago

@kjslover I opened the DSS file, but there are no records.

kjslover commented 1 year ago

@tombrauer Apologies... not sure how that happened. See attached Tangipahoa_GridPrecipDSS.zip

tombrauer commented 1 year ago

@kjslover based on your description, I don't think this is an issue with the data or Vortex. I think this has to do with the start time selected in HEC-HMS and the simulation time interval. Please send an email to hec.hms@usace.army.mil and someone from the team will follow up with you there.

kjslover commented 1 year ago

@tombrauer Sounds good... thanks for your help Tom!