HydrologicEngineeringCenter / Vortex

data processing utilities
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Implement NetcdfDataWriter #81

Closed nickvan612 closed 1 year ago

nickvan612 commented 1 year ago

Added NetcdfGridWriter to write a List to a netcdf4 file, with v1.10 CF conventions. Added WktParser to parse wkt to Projection. Updated ReferenceUtils to delete SpatialReferences after use. Updated ReSampler to use the dataset's projection if no projection has been specified. Broken down BatchImporter to Concurrent/SerialBatchImporter. Updated DataWriter to support '.nc' as write destination. Added VortexVariable as a storage for common variable names. Added VortexDataType to distinguish between instant/interval/cumulative data. Moved 'getUnits' to UnitUtil. Added VortexGrid equals and hashCode. Added VortexGridCollection to store vortex grids and return necessary data to write to netcdf. Added TestUtil::createTempFile. Updated DestinationSelectionPanel to support write to netcdf format, and added 'Overwrite' and 'Append' option when destination is 'nc'. Added FlatLAF. Updated ImportMetWizard UI to accommodate '.nc' destination. Added Windows' Netcdf (4.9.2) artifact. Updated getNatives logic for macOS. Added netcdf and TEMP to Windows bat scripts. Updated netcdf4 java dependencies to 5.5.3, and specify new jna version (runtime only). Updated 'test' gradle configuration for Windows.

Resolves: HMS-2553