HydrologicEngineeringCenter / Vortex

data processing utilities
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converting an "CSV" / "ASCII Gridded XYZ" file to grid DSS #90

Open bayejja-Med opened 1 year ago

bayejja-Med commented 1 year ago

Hello everybody,

I wonder to know how to make a first conversion to one of the supported formats of Vortex (nc; grib; hdf; asc) in order to generate a dss dataset later.

here is my initial dataset : P_data.zip


tombrauer commented 1 year ago

I looked at the files in P_data.zip and they don't have an extension. It will be difficult to impossible to do a conversion on an unknown file type. I would go back to the originator and try to determine the file type.

bayejja-Med commented 1 year ago

@tombrauer the data is an hourly forecasted precipitation.

Opening it in QGIS it shows this information :

Data type Float32 - Thirty two bit floating point GDAL Driver Description XYZ GDAL Driver Metadata ASCII Gridded XYZ

tombrauer commented 1 year ago

If the data is ASCII, add the *.asc extension to the files, and then Vortex should be able to process.

bayejja-Med commented 11 months ago

Unfortunately, it is still not working.

I think of using HEC MetVue which is supposed to handle this.

I remain open to other suggestions


bayejja-Med commented 10 months ago


I found out that my data is given in CSV format (see the screen shot below) image

Each file contains the following information:

tombrauer commented 10 months ago

@bayejja-Med I don't know of this as a conventional file type. Vortex has not been programmed to recognize it. I would use a programmatic approach, i.e. scripting, to get the data into HEC-DSS.

ktarbet commented 4 months ago

I had a similar request to convert a non-standard CSV data to DSS. I suggested first converting data to ASCII grid format; Perhaps multiple ASCII files, one for each grid. Here is an example:
