HyeonwooNoh / DPPnet

DPPnet: Image Question Answering using Convolutional Neural Network with Dynamic Parameter Prediction
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/torch/install/bin/luajit: C++ exception Issue #7

Open badripatro opened 7 years ago

badripatro commented 7 years ago

Problem Statement: When I am running the following command

th vqa_train.lua -gpuid 1

I get the following message :

loading cache..: /home1/badri/badripatro/VQA/workspace_project/image_qa_dpp/DPPnet-master/004_train_DPPnet_fixed_cnn/cache/vqa_data_cache_major_test-dev2015_54 done
creating a neural network with random initialization
/home/cse/torch/install/bin/luajit: C++ exception badri@cse-desktop:/DPPnet-master/004_train_DPPnet_fixed_cnn$

I have installed all the Dependencies for this code such as

torch [https://github.com/torch/distro] loadcaffe [https://github.com/szagoruyko/loadcaffe] xxhash [install: luarocks install xxhash]

Also, I have narrowed it down to the line 79 of file "DPPnet-master_1/model/HashedNets/HasherME.lua" and get get "libhashnn.mysort()" has problem

libhashnn.mysort(self['sortkey' .. WorB],self['sortval'.. WorB])

Does anyone have any advice on how I can try to further determine the problem?

cloud-waiting-for-wind commented 7 years ago

you may not attention the closed issues click here: https://github.com/HyeonwooNoh/DPPnet/issues/3

WeiqiuChen commented 7 years ago

Do you solve the problem about this? I also have trouble in sollving this problem.

Mugilvanan commented 5 years ago

Hi, I'm trying to run the main.lua in HashedNets and getting the same error. Can anyone help me? -Mugil