There are four numbers in each row in the /DeconvNet/data/imagesets/stage_2_train_imgset/train.txt. What do these four numbers stand for? I try to train DeconvNet in my own dataset. So how to get these numbers? Thanks.
/VOC2012_SEG_AUG/images/2010_002729.png /VOC2012_SEG_AUG/segmentations/2010_002729.png 53 188 289 424/VOC2012_SEG_AUG/images/2010_004179.png /VOC2012_SEG_AUG/segmentations/2010_004179.png -52 -29 308 331
What do these four numbers -52 -29 308 331 stand for?
There are four numbers in each row in the /DeconvNet/data/imagesets/stage_2_train_imgset/train.txt. What do these four numbers stand for? I try to train DeconvNet in my own dataset. So how to get these numbers? Thanks.
/VOC2012_SEG_AUG/images/2010_002729.png /VOC2012_SEG_AUG/segmentations/2010_002729.png 53 188 289 424
/VOC2012_SEG_AUG/images/2010_004179.png /VOC2012_SEG_AUG/segmentations/2010_004179.png -52 -29 308 331
What do these four numbers-52 -29 308 331
stand for?