HyeonwooNoh / caffe

modified version of caffe which support DeconvNet and DecoupledNet
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When I try to set up modified Caffe Version to execute DeConvnet, I get errors in 'make install' as: #12

Open willzhangshuifa opened 8 years ago

willzhangshuifa commented 8 years ago

CMake Error at src/caffe/proto/cmake_install.cmake:40 (FILE): file INSTALL cannot find "/home/will/deepLearning/DecoupledNet/caffe-master/build/src/caffe/proto/caffe_pretty_print_pb2.py". Call Stack (most recent call first): src/caffe/cmake_install.cmake:41 (INCLUDE) cmake_install.cmake:42 (INCLUDE)

make: *\ [install] Error 1

I don't find caffe_pretty_print_pb2.py in the modified Caffe Vision, and caffe_pb2.py too, where to get them? Kindly Help !! Thank you.

XuXiaoXiao1992 commented 7 years ago

When I use cmake, I also met this problem. Did you find a way to solve it? Thanks!

gfsliumin commented 7 years ago

Did you solve the problem?

viratag26 commented 7 years ago

has anyone figured it out ?

TheShadow29 commented 7 years ago

Has anyone been able to figure it out?