HyeonwooNoh / caffe

modified version of caffe which support DeconvNet and DecoupledNet
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Matcaffe #14

Open aarafati opened 7 years ago

aarafati commented 7 years ago

Hi, I was wondering is this version of caffe can be interfaced with MATLAB or not? When I tried to make matcaffe I faced an error since there is no +caffe folder in /matlab directory.

Thanks! best Ara

jamescharters commented 7 years ago

I am also dealing with this problem. The Matlab target does not seem to be built. Moreover, the CMakeLists.txt file for matlab is basically empty so I doubt anything can be built for this target in the current state of the software.

This is on a Ubuntu 14.04 box with all the latest updates and prerequisites to build caffe (master. not for as here).