Open littlefiveRobot opened 2 years ago
hello, I encountered some questions when I generated dataset . Could you help me? Thanks. I did not install ros bag about camera mentioned in your readme file in step 2 and I had downloaded ycb-dateset like this: |ycb_meshes_google |objects ├002_master_chef_can |└── google_512k | ├── kinbody.xml (no use) | ├── nontextured.obj | ├── nontextured.ply | ├── nontextured.sdf (generated by SDFGen) | ├── nontextured.stl | ├── textured.dae (no use) | ├── textured.mtl (no use) | ├── textured.obj (no use) | ├── textured.sdf (no use) | └── texture_map.png (no use) ├003_cracker_box └004_sugar_box ...
(pointnetgpd) klxue@dell-XPS:~/code/PointNetGPD/apps$ python WARNING:root:autolab_core not installed as catkin package, RigidTransform ros methods will be unavailable Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 13, in
from dexnet.grasping.quality import PointGraspMetrics3D
File "/home/klxue/code/dex-net/src/dexnet/", line 24, in
from dexnet.api import DexNet
File "/home/klxue/code/dex-net/src/dexnet/", line 42, in
import dexnet.database.database as db
File "/home/klxue/code/dex-net/src/dexnet/database/", line 22, in
from dexnet.database.hdf5_factory import Hdf5ObjectFactory
File "/home/klxue/code/dex-net/src/dexnet/database/", line 32, in
import meshpy.mesh as mesh
File "/home/klxue/code/meshpy/meshpy/", line 2, in
from meshpy.image_converter import ImageToMeshConverter
File "/home/klxue/code/meshpy/meshpy/", line 19, in
from perception import BinaryImage
ImportError: cannot import name 'BinaryImage' from 'perception' (/home/klxue/anaconda3/envs/pointnetgpd/lib/python3.7/site-packages/perception/