HyperAgents / hmas

An ontology to describe Hypermedia Multi-Agent Systems, interactions, and organizations.
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Every agent remains contained in its home workspace ? #12

Closed maximelefrancois86 closed 2 years ago

maximelefrancois86 commented 2 years ago

The following axiom states that every agent will remain contained in its home workspace. It that really true ?


DrLeturc commented 2 years ago

I would like to notice some points about this.

I'm a Human Agent (denoted by :Me) evolving in my :OfficeWorkspace. So :Me :hasHomeWorkspace :OfficeWorkspace. And of course :OfficeWorkspace :isHomeOf :Me. Furthermore let's consider that I'm also in the :Workspace :InriaWorkspace (with :OfficeWorkspace rdfs:subClassOf :InriaWorkspace). Should we have also :Me :hasHomeWorkspace :InriaWorkspace and :InriaWorkspace :isHomeOf :Me ? Or considering :hasIndirectHomeWorkspace property to set this transitive link ?

But what happen if I decide to change my homeWorkspace at (t+1) from :InriaWorkspace to :myFlatHomeWorkspace. Should we consider either a non monotonic approach for our ontology or should we add a date property (and potentially affect the memory space of our rdf databases by considering each transaction ?) ?

Should we represent when an assertion happened to explicit the notion of openness and dynamics between agents and different environments or we consider a sample non monotonic approach by removing rdf triplets ? E.g. changing from one platform to another one, or changing from one workspace to another one.

Finally, let us notice that a workspace can be also mobile. For instance an :AircraftWorkspace which changes from an :AirportWorkspace to another :AnotherAirportWorkspace. Thus :Agent contained in :AircraftWorkspace will be contained after in :AnotherAirportWorkspace.

What to think about :hasHomeWorkspace ? Should we consider new subProperties like :hasIndirectHomeWorkspace to mean e.g. if :Agent :hasHomeWorkspace :AircraftWorkspace, then :Agent :hasIndirectHomeWorkspace :AnotherAirportWorkspace?

andreiciortea commented 2 years ago

This relates to Issue #19, one suggestion would be to centralize the discussion about home platforms and home workspaces there.

To bring in some points from the discussion on Issue #19:

See Section 3.1 in [1]: "Agents are spawned (or enter a MAS) in a specific workspace (their home), which typically does not change during their lifetime within that MAS, except in the case of mobile agents. Once a MAS is entered, an agent can work concurrently in multiple workspaces of the MAS by simply joining them."

So @maximelefrancois86 to answer the question: if we follow the A&A meta-model, an agent would remain contained in its home workspace throughout its lifetime. Mobile agents can change their home workspace, but still remain contained in the new home workspace (the same would apply to JADE containers, which we also capture under the concept of :Workspace). It could be useful to get more input from @oboissier and Alessandro Ricci on this point.

[1] Alessandro Ricci, Andrei Ciortea, Simon Mayer, Olivier Boissier, Rafael H. Bordini, and Jomi Fred Hubner. 2019. Engineering Scalable Distributed Environments and Organizations for MAS. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems (AAMAS '19). International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Richland, SC, 790–798. https://www.alexandria.unisg.ch/256719/1/aamas_2019_jacamo_dist.pdf