HyperAgents / hmas

An ontology to describe Hypermedia Multi-Agent Systems, interactions, and organizations.
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Should we align with SAREF? #191

Open FabienGandon opened 7 months ago

FabienGandon commented 7 months ago

Should we align with SAREF?

saref:Agent saref:Device saref:Service saref:Profile saref:Command saref:Function saref:Task

and more here https://saref.etsi.org/

Antoine-Zimmermann commented 7 months ago

See my answer on #188

maximelefrancois86 commented 7 months ago

Let me paste here the definitions of the terms identified by @FabienGandon for which I don't believe there is alignment :

saref:Agent --> actually is s4city:Agent: An agent making an action in the context of a city. An agent could be a person, software, etc. Max: The definition does not correspond at all, and anyways Smart Cities is an irrelevant application domain for HyperAgents at the moment.

saref:Device A tangible object designed to accomplish a particular task. In order to accomplish this task, the device performs one or more functions. For example, a washing machine is designed to wash (task) and to accomplish this task it performs a start and stop function. Max: If a Device is capable of autonomous behaviour, it could also be classified as an Agent. If it can be dynamically used by agents to support their activities, then it could also be classified as an Artifact. But in general, I don't think we should align anything here.

saref:Task The goal for which a device is designed (from a user perspective). For example, a washing machine is designed for the task of washing. We propose here a list of tasks that are relevant for the purpose of SAREF, but this list can be extended. Tasks can be accomplished by devices (saref:isAccomplishedBy). Max: examples of tasks include: heating, lighting, washing, ... I don't think this can be aligned

saref:Profile A specification associated to a device to collect information about a certain Property (e.g., Energy) for optimizing its usage in the home, office or building in which the device is located. This specification is about a certain Property (saref:isAbout), can be calculated over a time span (saref:hasTime) and can be associated to some costs (saref:hasPrice). An example is the Power Profile defined in the SAREF4ENER extension that can be associated to a device for optimizing the Energy efficiency in the home, office or building in which the device is located. Max: saref:Profile was originally intended to describe the typical, or desired, evolution of a property (consumed energy, temperature, ...) over time. I don't think this can be aligned to HMAS.

maximelefrancois86 commented 7 months ago

Now for Function, Command, Service, I wouldn't know. These concepts come from the oneM2M base ontology.

In a nutshell,

Function represents a functionality of a device. That same functionality could be exposed to different networks using different communication protocols. Service represents the exposure of a Function on a network (IMO aligned to Service in the bluetooth terminology).

A Command represents the lowest-level directives a device supports and exposes to some network. Operation represents the exposure of a Command on a network (IMO aligned to Characteristic operation

It's maybe easier to align to WoT TD: saref:Command to td:InteractionAffordance - operation to td:Form