HyperAgents / hmas

An ontology to describe Hypermedia Multi-Agent Systems, interactions, and organizations.
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What cannot be `:hosts`ed ? #23

Closed maximelefrancois86 closed 2 years ago

maximelefrancois86 commented 2 years ago

If we create the class :Hostable as the range of :hosts, are there things in the hmas ontology that cannot be hosted:

We could also introduce class :NotHostable, disjoint with :Hostable, with subclasses :Signifier and :ResourceProfile for example

DrLeturc commented 2 years ago

Can we say that a physical artifact (in real world) like e.g. a basic pen, a basic hammer (without any technology inside) cannot be hostable ? In the modelling of the workspace, we would represent it as particular classes :BasicPen, :BasicHammer which would be contained in the workspace. These classes would be :NotHostable.

Is this what we aim to catch with :NotHostable class ?

FabienGandon commented 2 years ago

I don't have an opinion yet on introducing hmas:Hostable / hmas:NotHostable just a vague recollection from methodological concerns that mixing roles with other types in the same hierarchy may not be a good practice

But more generally, in this issue and in other ones there is this mix of Physical concerns and examples with other Software/ Architectural concerns that disturb me because I am not sure the physical aspects have to be model at the level of the hmas: ontology i.e. we may want to consider the needs for certain extensions but leave the actual specific modelling to these extensions.

DrLeturc commented 2 years ago

@FabienGandon : i think it depends on what kinds of platform we are considering.

For example, let's admit we have a web platform to manipulate a distant factory, let's call it :WebFactoryPlatform. This platform proposes to users to build their own customized products. When an user orders something, the :WebFactoryPlatform has to deal with a :PhysicalWorkspace. In this :PhysicalWorkspace we would have a set of robotic agents :PhysicalRobotAgents, and a set of physical tools:PhysicialArtifactTools (drills, hammers,...).

To come back to this issue :PhysicalRobotAgents are :Hostable entities while :PhysicialArtifactTools are :NotHostable, which would mean that the :WebFactoryPlatform could only access to :PhysicalRobotAgents and not :PhysicialArtifactTools. But :PhysicialArtifactTools are contained in its workspace !

maximelefrancois86 commented 2 years ago

I don't have an opinion yet on introducing hmas:Hostable / hmas:NotHostable just a vague recollection from methodological concerns that mixing roles with other types in the same hierarchy may not be a good practice

I would argue that :Hostable is not a role, in that it doesn't entail the existence of a :isHostedBy relation. It would go differently for :Hosted.

maximelefrancois86 commented 2 years ago

Pull Request #31 introduces the :Hostable class

FabienGandon commented 2 years ago

I agree to consider that hmas:Hostable is not a role (good point with the Hosted example @maximelefrancois86) we can close this issue with the adequate commit.

DrLeturc commented 2 years ago

I'm closing this issue and pull the commit.