HyperAgents / hmas

An ontology to describe Hypermedia Multi-Agent Systems, interactions, and organizations.
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Definition of `Workspace` #36

Closed gnardin closed 2 years ago

gnardin commented 2 years ago

The description of Workspace is

"A space or logical container of one or multiple activities involving a set of agents and potentially artifacts. Workspaces can contain agents, artifacts, and also other workspaces."

We propose to change the definition to eliminate the terms "space" and replace the term "activities", which is not defined in the ontology, by "interactions". The suggested new definition of Workspace would be:

"A logical container of one or multiple interactions among agents and potentially artifacts. Workspaces can contain agents, artifacts, and also other workspaces."

Do you agree?

FabienGandon commented 2 years ago

in my opinion a workspace could contain all sorts of resources in particular RDF resources useful to discover the environment.

"A logical container of one or multiple interactions among agents and potentially artifacts. Workspaces can contain any resource in general and in particular agents, artifacts, and also other workspaces."

gnardin commented 2 years ago

The idea is that the Artifact represents "any resource". Thus, the "any resource in general" may be at some level redundant. Especially, if we assume that resources must be accessible by Agents in order to be contained by a Workspace.

The question is: Must all resources be accessible to Agents in order to be contained in a Workspace? Or there are resources that may be contained by a Workspace that are not directly accessible by agents?

FabienGandon commented 2 years ago

in RDF rdfs:Resource represents "All things described" https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-schema/#ch_resource so to me the notion of resource is more general than the notion of artifact. In other words artifact is one of the types of resources one can describe in RDF.

gnardin commented 2 years ago

Yes, I agree regarding the concepts of artifacts and RDF resources. But my questions were to inquiry if allowing Workspaces to contain "any resource" makes sense in the HyperAgents project. What would the benefits be of having resources that are potentially not directly accessible to Agents?

If it makes sense than I completely agree with @FabienGandon the description proposal.

DrLeturc commented 2 years ago

A :Platform could be also contained in a :Workspace ?

In a previous discussion #32, since :Platform are :Artifact, we should add it to the current definition.

I propose this : "A logical container of one or multiple interactions among agents and potentially artifacts. Workspaces can contain any resource in general and in particular agents, artifacts, other workspaces, or platforms."

gnardin commented 2 years ago

I would prefer not having Platform expressed in the Workspace's description because we already defined Workspace as an Artifact, so Platforms are included even though not explicitly. But if we want make it explicit as suggested I would make a small change in the proposal to

"A logical container of one or multiple interactions among agents and potentially artifacts. Workspaces can contain any resource in general and in particular agents, artifacts, platforms, and other workspaces."

If we use OR, then seems like a container can contain only one type of resource rather a combination of them.

maximelefrancois86 commented 2 years ago

MINES Saint-Etienne: we all agree on this new definition

FabienGandon commented 2 years ago

Inria Sophia: we approve the ~PR~ the commit.