HyperAgents / hmas

An ontology to describe Hypermedia Multi-Agent Systems, interactions, and organizations.
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What determines the version of the ontology? #58

Closed DrLeturc closed 2 years ago

DrLeturc commented 2 years ago


Yesterday in a meeting with @FabienGandon, we discussed what could define the release of a new version of the ontology.

One idea is to characterize the release of a new version when all the features set at the beginning of its creation are respected. Here, in our SAMOD-based approach, this would be a set of stories that we decided at the beginning.

The launch of the new version therefore corresponds to : 1) all stories have been captured by the ontology ; 2) all the PR that capture these stories have been voted, accepted and merged to the ontology.

Do you agree with this way of working? Do you have anything to add?

maximelefrancois86 commented 2 years ago

Maybe also, all the issues labeled "milestone 1" are closed.

DrLeturc commented 2 years ago

I would also say that the milestones are the DEADLINES for members to give their votes in PR before the release of a new version of the project.

If they don't give their votes before the end of the milestone, then we'll consider only the current votes and we'll do the PR without their consents.

FabienGandon commented 2 years ago

One suggestion here.

I think we have a triangle :

                /     \
     (Milestone) ---- (Issue & Pull Request)

A milestone should be defined in terms of scenarios to supports and its description should reference these scenarios The issues and pull request should contribute to milestone and reference the relevant scenarios in their threads and description.

DrLeturc commented 2 years ago

I think we should also consider some intermediate milestones taking into account intermediate progress on the ontology.

Example: each month we could consider a "monthly-milestone" that increases the Y of a version VX.Y.Z. For this "monthly-milestone" we merge the standing PR. If we don't do this, I'm afraid the project will fall behind. I noticed since we didn't push the current PR, duplicate issues have been opened e.g. "isHomeOf", issues about "Artifact", etc. It is harder to follow the current progress.

In the same way, we could increase the Z for all urgent PRs that needs to be pushed as soon as possible e.g. for all kinds of bugs.

andreiciortea commented 2 years ago

@DrLeturc great point about intermediate milestones! I was, in fact, also thinking we might need a more fine-grained semantic versioning scheme. Just to link to a versioning spec as a concrete example: https://semver.org/

Intermediate milestones would also prevent the major version from increasing unnecessarily fast.

DrLeturc commented 2 years ago

I agree to follow https://semver.org/. Maybe I can close this issue ?

Let X.Y.Z be the version of the HyperAgent project. We would have :