HyperAgents / hmas

An ontology to describe Hypermedia Multi-Agent Systems, interactions, and organizations.
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[TEST TEMPLATE - CREATE NEW MOTIVATING SCENARIO] Discovery of devices, device profiles, and affordances to interact with devices #77

Closed DrLeturc closed 1 year ago

DrLeturc commented 2 years ago

Robot unpacking in a workshop

(should it be the name of the issue ? But this would be a bit redundant ? ) ( What considers as the title of the issue e.g. covered features or the title of the story ?) ( + Should we consider here a short introduction to present the goal and features covered by the motivating scenario ? e.g. to explain why this motivating is relevant? )

Covered features

(it is missing from my template)

The list of covered features :

A short description

Give a short description of the covered feature as a little story ? (what differences with examples ?) (Should be better to give the aims of the motivating scenario in this subsection ?) (Maybe it would be more relevant to talk about the goals of the story than "Short Description")

A set of examples

The unpacking example

Fabio Galvon unpacks a new robot in room 27 of the factory. He boots the robot that start running the main controler agent. The boot sequence of the robot contains a visual scanning that harvests any QR code visible arround. The Agent gets a handler of its workspace (was: environment) and requests the contained descriptions of its environment including some known entry points. Among the descriptions it discovers the interface to register itself to the entry point and places such a request. The UI agent of Fabio shows the candidate addition to the entry point and he validates the addition. The agent and the robot are now visible to the rest of the factory and vice-versa. The user behind the UI Agent places requests to configure new goals for the agent controller of the robot.

Involved resources

(Propose links with corresponding resources? e.g. Agents+Roles like Polifonia )

List of agents :

(Mmmh not sure if it is relevant to add explicitly a folder "Agents" like what has been proposed in Polifonia. It seems very constraining for a lambda user who needs to implement and propose a new feature. He'll have to check all existing personas.. We don't need it to specify agents+roles. )

A glossary of new terms

(These terms are not those that introduces Workspace / Artifact / Agent etc.. We should consider references to the ontology)

Competency questions

identifier: 1
question: What agents are hosted by a workspace # natural language question
outcome: Pairs of a workspace and an agent # the kind of outcome expected as answer;
exemplar_answers: # some exemplar answers considering the examples provided in the related motivating scenario1; 
depends_on: [] 
identifier: 2
question: ...
outcome: ...
  -  ... 
depends_on: []

(The format must be discussed)

Formal description

Code (or implemented feature(s))

1 - TBox :

:Agent a owl:Class ;
        rdfs:comment "An entity that is capable of autonomous behavior."@en ;
        rdfs:label "Agent"@en, "Agent"@fr ;
        rdfs:subClassOf :Hostable .

:Artifact a owl:Class ;
        rdfs:comment "A resource that can be dynamically constructed, shared, and used by agents to support their activities. In a Hypermedia MAS, an artifact exposes and can be accessed through a hypermedia interface (in addition to other possible interfaces, such as a physical interface)."@en ;
        rdfs:seeAlso <https://github.com/HyperAgents/ns.hyperagents.org/issues/38> ;
        rdfs:label "Artifact"@en, "Artefact"@fr ;
        rdfs:subClassOf :Hostable .


2 - ABox :



cq: 1 # identifier of the competency question it 
query: |-
  SELECT ?workspace ?agent WHERE { ?workspace hmas:hostsAgent ?agent }

Query Results JSON Format

          "head": { "vars": [ "workspace" , "agent" ] } ,
          "results": { 
            "bindings": [
                "workspace": { "type": "uri" , "value": "http://example.org/workshop" } ,
                "agent": { "type": "uri" , "value": "http://example.org/UG5" }

DrLeturc commented 1 year ago

This issue is now deprecated.