HyperAgents / hmas

An ontology to describe Hypermedia Multi-Agent Systems, interactions, and organizations.
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What can Platforms host ? #8

Closed maximelefrancois86 closed 2 years ago

maximelefrancois86 commented 2 years ago

What is the range of :hosts ?


Is it only :Artifact and :Agent ?

FabienGandon commented 2 years ago

Good question but I just wanted to note that ranges or domains are not compulsory in case we don't have an exact constraint here.

DrLeturc commented 2 years ago

Does it make any sense to host an artifact ?

[TO DO : we need to define and clarify :contains / :hosts / :hasWorkspace ?]

DrLeturc commented 2 years ago

There is ":hostsWorkspace a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :hosts ;" So the range should be :Workspace and :Agent ?

[TO DO : what is the relation between a :Workspace and a :Platform ?]

DrLeturc commented 2 years ago

A distinction is made between :containsAgent and :containsArtifact. What about a :containsSubWorkspace?

Do we really need to explicit :containsX ?

FabienGandon commented 2 years ago

one radical option would be to have only one relation (eg. contains) instead of multiple (eg hosts, containsArtifact, etc.) and to use typing:

:aPlatform hmas:contains :aW1523, a:Machine4 . :aW1523 a hmas:Workspace . :aMachine4 a hmas:Artefact .

:aW1523 hmas:contains :Agent6 . :Agent6 a hmas:Agent .

DrLeturc commented 2 years ago

In order to see if we really need the hmas:host property, I propose to consider the following question, the answer will decide if we need it : Can a platform not host an agent that is contained in its workspace?

If the answer is "yes", then we need it.

Another similar question is : Can a platform hosts an agent which is not contained in its workspace ?

DrLeturc commented 2 years ago

Okay let's try something.

Let's consider that I'm in the officeWorkspace. A :connectedDevicePlatform allows me to control the temperature, the lights of the room, the panels, machines, etc. But I need to be hosted to have control on the artifacts inner the officeWorkspace. To be hosted, I need rights and since I'm a guest, I do not have the rights to be hosted by the platform.

What can we conclude ?

I'm contained in the officeWorkspace, but I cannot be hosted by the platform since I'm a guest and I do not have any login. Consequently, we need a distinction between hmas:host and hmas:contain.

Does that make any sense to say that I'm not contained in the Platform ? Well, it seems that containing and hosting do not describe the same things. We cannot say that I'm not contained in a platform since a platform can only host resources. A platform hosts workspaces and agents but does not contain anything. The semantics of these properties are indeed well different. So we cannot use only a "hmas:contain" property.

The definition of hmas:host property --> domain = Platforms, range = Workspaces U Agents (or range = Resources as it is actually the case). The actual definition lets possible to consider that an artifact may be hosted by a platform too ? Host should be only associated with "autonomous entity" capable of acting on artifacts/workspaces/agents ? But a workspace cannot be said to be autonomous..

andreiciortea commented 2 years ago

This relates to the discussion in Issue #6. As @FabienGandon suggested above, for now, I would not impose constraints on the range of :hosts (see also Issue #6).

On :hosts vs. :contains, there is indeed an intended distinction here:

So this goes along the lines of the example given by @DrLeturc. In the end, I think the final distinction between :hosts and :contains will depend on the final definition of :Workspace, i.e. if we allow :Workspace to be a logical container that is hosted on some platform but can contain/regroup entities hosted across multiple platforms. For now, we use such "distributed workspaces" in our demos, so I would keep this distinction between :hosts and :contains.

I've updated the definitions for :Workspace, :hosts, and :isHostedBy.

maximelefrancois86 commented 2 years ago

in #6 Andrei wrote:

so a :Platform could be hosted by another :Platform; good observation, I don't see a strong reason to exclude this possibility, but I also don't see the practical usefulness to represent such a hosting relation

  • the initial intention was to use :Platform as a proxy for the concrete host(s), i.e. machine(s) accessible via a network, that provide a hosting service for any relevant resource in a Hypermedia MAS (i.e., an information resource or a process/service)
  • here a :Platform could be an abstraction of a system that is controlled by one entity (so the system is centralized or appears centralized, but could in fact be a distributed system); examples include platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, or dweet.io, all of which provide services that could support hybrid communities to some extent
  • aspects on centralization and control/governance are not currently captured in the :Platform definition from the core vocabulary

So should we also say that a platform can host other platforms ? +1 for this

DrLeturc commented 2 years ago

@maximelefrancois86 : i think yes, it should. Example : we can imagine that the Google WebPlatform hosts many subWebPlatforms gmail, googlemap, ...

maximelefrancois86 commented 2 years ago

Pull Request #31 introduces the :Hostable class

FabienGandon commented 2 years ago

How much of this discussion goes away if we focus on hmas:MASPlatform as per issue #20 ?