HyperAgents / hmas

An ontology to describe Hypermedia Multi-Agent Systems, interactions, and organizations.
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Clean up contributors' metadata #94

Closed Antoine-Zimmermann closed 10 months ago

Antoine-Zimmermann commented 2 years ago

The contributors descriptions have multiple issues.

  1. There are real world entities that are identified by URIs that dereference with a 200 OK, thus making them information resources. E.g. https://inria.fr/, https://www.mines-stetienne.fr/, https://www.unisg.ch/en, https://www.emse.fr/~boissier/.
  2. The property schema:url should relate a thing to its URL (or a URL that's about the thing), thus better use a literal with type xsd:anyURI, but it is currently used to relate a thing to an information resource. Sometimes, it is used to relate a thing to itself, such as the thing identified by https://inria.fr/ is its own URL.
  3. The property schema:identifier should relate a thing to an identifier, thus a literal, not to an information resource.
  4. Affiliations (schema:affiliation) are not webpages or websites.
  5. @DrLeturc is identified with a URL that does not dereference properly (404).

These problems make it difficult to declare the schema.org properties as either ObjectProperties or DatatypeProperties. Making them AnnotationProperties would make them pure non-logical metadata with no relevance to the knowledge described, which is probably not what we, and other people, want.

FabienGandon commented 2 years ago

Thanks for checking, IMHO these are non blocking problems to be addressed in V2. We should target a simple example on one contributor to be reproduced for all and we should not spend too much time on these metadata that are not critical to the HyperAgent project and ontology themselves i.e. if needed we may decide to reduce/simplify what we want to include here.

FabienGandon commented 1 year ago


FabienGandon commented 1 year ago

NB: this is an extract from schema.org showing we could have used schema:url for homepages:

Jane's home page:
  <a href="http://www.janedoe.com" property="url">janedoe.com</a>

from https://schema.org/Person

but I will use schema:mainEntityOfPage

FabienGandon commented 10 months ago

Closed as implemented in PR #164