HyperCubeMC / Modern-Minecraft-Decompiler

Modern Minecraft Decompiler
MIT License
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Cant create release .jar #5

Closed Pfuenzle closed 4 years ago

Pfuenzle commented 4 years ago

It seems like Im not able to create a release build. Everytime i run the grade script (other -> release), I get the error:

Additionally, how am I able to get an obfuscated .jar/the obfuscated classes? After running other -> reobfJar, the only thing in the build/reobfJar folder is an output.jar, which is what it seems just the original .jar from minecraft. When i look into the log.txt it says that the folders where my mod should be got filtered

Filtered: io/pfuenzle/

Also, when running build -> jar, only the edited minecraft classes are placed in build/classes. It creates (sub)folders for my package name but doesnt place anything in them, but the mod works fine when Im just running it with IntelliJ

ahmed605 commented 4 years ago

Run Build task from MCD not others not release

Pfuenzle commented 4 years ago

Thanks, now I got a jar with my code. But is there a way to reobfuscate it so I can drop the modified classes in a vanilla .jar?

Justsnoopy30 commented 4 years ago

You're not distributing this are you?

Pfuenzle commented 4 years ago

Is this forbidden? I understood

WARNING: You CAN'T publish any code generated by this tool

as the code that is generated by it, not the compiled classes

Justsnoopy30 commented 4 years ago

Oh, I get what you mean now, that is fine.

Justsnoopy30 commented 4 years ago

I'm not home right now, so I can't check, but I think there is a task to reobfusticate.

Justsnoopy30 commented 4 years ago

Will find it when home.

Pfuenzle commented 4 years ago

Did you find it? Or did reobfJar work for you?

Justsnoopy30 commented 4 years ago

Sorry rly busy, maybe this afternoon. I'm gonna close this because you created the jar and that's what the issue was about.