Hyperclaw79 / PokeBall-SelfBot-Poketwo-Autocatcher

This specific selfbot was designed to automatically catch pokemon spawned on Discord by Poketwo bot. It also offers other utility functions to automate features like trading, releasing, id search, etc. Currently the autocatcher is powered by AI making it possible to autocatch pokemons on multiple bots like PokeTwo, PokeRealm, etc.
MIT License
336 stars 400 forks source link

Error while running run.bat #264

Closed UnknownX0001 closed 1 year ago

UnknownX0001 commented 1 year ago


Well i suppose its some error with intents i would be glad if you help me out as soon as possible, thanks.

Hyperclaw79 commented 1 year ago

Public Version is very old and not supported anymore.