Hyperfoil / Horreum

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UI workflow should be revisited to improve UX and UI code structure #314

Open johnaohara opened 1 year ago

johnaohara commented 1 year ago

Currently, there is a mix in presentation abstractions in the UI. Test definitions (change detection, experiment definitions etc) are defined in one location. Viewing data related to tests is split over multiple independent "Views", i.e. Tests, Runs, Datasets, Changes, and Reports.

Some views are grouped together, i.e. Tests, Runs and Datasets are navigable from the Tests view, whereas Changes and Reports are seperate.

Reporting is split over multiple views, e.g. we a have Reports view, but we also have reports that can be gerenated from the 'Runs' view.

To make the UI more intuative and easier to navigate; once a Test is selected, all Change detection, reporting etc should relate to the selected test. The menu options could also be re-arranged to indicate to a user that a particular test has been selected and therefore all the views relate to that particular test

This would prevent the users for selecting folder -> tests each time they use different functionality in Horreum.

It would also help to solve issues such as : #309

Related Issues;

karthiknadar1204 commented 1 year ago

please assign this issue to me, i would like to work on it

jesperpedersen commented 1 year ago

Thanks !

Use https://github.com/Hyperfoil/Horreum/discussions/categories/general for discussions about this.

karthiknadar1204 commented 1 year ago

Thank you,will begin the work asap

johnaohara commented 7 months ago

Discussed in https://github.com/Hyperfoil/Horreum/discussions/742

Originally posted by **johnaohara** October 12, 2023 One of the UX challenges currently is each page in the UI is more-or-less standalone. This means that user find themselves having to reselect folders->test when they click on a link. I have been playing with changes to the UI, so that once a test is selected, everything relevant to that test is accessible without having to re-select the test again I have also hidden the concept of a "Run" from the UI and just display datasets, although the orginal run data is still accessible if you click on a particular dataset ![image](https://github.com/Hyperfoil/Horreum/assets/959822/046497ac-71c7-4b7d-a8b7-c7993229b60f) I have a branch is anyone wants to play around with it: https://github.com/johnaohara/Horreum/tree/horreum-ui-rebase
johnaohara commented 3 months ago

@lampajr the POC for this issue is here: https://github.com/Hyperfoil/Horreum/issues/314

I have rebased on top of current master branch

lampajr commented 3 months ago

@lampajr the POC for this issue is here: #314

I have rebased on top of current master branch

Hey @johnaohara , thanks a lot :pray:

The link still refers to this issue but I think you wanted to reference this https://github.com/Hyperfoil/Horreum/pull/1290 right?

johnaohara commented 3 months ago

@lampajr the POC for this issue is here: #314 I have rebased on top of current master branch

Hey @johnaohara , thanks a lot 🙏

The link still refers to this issue but I think you wanted to reference this #1290 right?

Yeah, sorry, pasted wrong link.

The dev branch i was using is here: https://github.com/johnaohara/Horreum/tree/horreum-ui-rebase-2