Provide a new CardEdit Vue component to edit existing Card - documents.
component is conditionally rendered inside CardsPage.vue
component is accessed with the EditMdiButton in CardDetails.vue component and replaces the latter upon activation inside the CardsPage
component consists of all data attributes relevant for the current type of (Flash-)card (except id and createdAt), which have to be made editable. I.e. the attributes
answer *,
options *,
correctOption * and
correctOptions ( type-dependent)
the CardType (currently Question&Answer, Single- and Multiple-Choice-Quiz) can not be changed (for simplicity reasons - to not overcomplicate layouting)
layouting of the data fields should generally (in sequence) follow the one in the existing CardDetail component.
To achieve a mantainable and reusable code and support all Card subtypes, the CardEdit component should probably be structured further into subcomponents - alternatively we can provide different components for each subtype.
a wiremock design is preferrable, as UI-design (e.g. for adding, removing tags or options, defining correctOptions) is not trivial.
Provide a new
Vue component to edit existing Card - documents.