Hypertopic / Porphyry

Corpus analyses confrontation
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Browse topics using tags cloud #80

Open CorentinLthr-old opened 6 years ago

CorentinLthr-old commented 6 years ago


What is the valuable outcome that cannot be achieved with current features?

For which stakeholder (people, role, project, domain) is it important?

Which user action should be enabled (or restricted)? For who?

Additional details (solutions you think about, or workarounds you tried)

Deliverables status

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

benel commented 6 years ago

Porphyry v5 and v6 implement a multiple interactive tag cloud showing tags relations on mouse-over (described here):


If we want to implement the same in Porphyry v7 (which is Web-based), a nice way to do this could be with D3.js.

sab91 commented 5 years ago

Task to do

liyangsifei commented 5 years ago

2 questions for the maquette :

  1. In the fragment part of this view (right side), it shows only the fragment related to the sub-category selected or the item with the fragments colored?
  2. What would be the title of the grey bar on the top of the fragment part and list of the item?
liyangsifei commented 5 years ago
benel commented 5 years ago

What would be the title of the grey bar on the top of the fragment part and list of the item?

It is supposed to stay as it is: a list of corpora. Go and see @valentin-utt's mockup in #48. Please note that could have created a mockup of just the page you had to design.

liyangsifei commented 5 years ago

Mockup without category selected:


Mockup with the category 'Bonheur' selected:

liyangsifei commented 5 years ago

mockups updated (icons and a new mockup presents the action of the switch button): Mockup initial without any category selected:


Category 'bonheur' selected:


No category selected & when the button 'switch to mode category' clicked

benel commented 5 years ago

Pour vous aider à tester les styles CSS avec Capybara : https://medium.com/@TheSunwave/testing-your-css-styles-with-capybara-556022e0076d

arnaud9145 commented 5 years ago

Capture d’écran 2019-06-06 à 11 14 12 Tag Cloud implementation v1 looks like that

SorelMboua commented 4 years ago

For the group "Greek Vases" I think this is relatively important. It could be useful for the user to be able to browse through categories using tags.

paasshme commented 3 years ago

Pour le projet "EUT+" nous pensons qu'il serait intéressant de consulter les mots les plus recherchés via un nuage de point, afin d'avoir une vue des tendances actuelles de recherche.

benel commented 3 years ago

Pour le projet "EUT+" nous pensons qu'il serait intéressant de consulter les mots les plus recherchés via un nuage de point, afin d'avoir une vue des tendances actuelles de recherche.

@JacquesMironneau @Hypertopic/competences-eut Pourquoi pas, effectivement. Par contre, toujours pour être sûr que l'on parle de la même chose, on est d'accord que le nuage de catégories (et non de points ou de mots) est une visualisation alternative des données qui pour l'instant sont présentés uniquement sous forme d'une arborescence ? Les catégories seraient donc "à plat", classées par ordre alphabétique, et leur taille correspondrait aux nombres qui apparaissent pour l'instant à droite des catégories.