Hypfer / esp8266-midea-dehumidifier

Cloud-free wifi dehumidification
Apache License 2.0
98 stars 20 forks source link

Is a connection to the dehumidifier needed to test and configure wifi? #7

Open Syntaxrabbit opened 2 years ago

Syntaxrabbit commented 2 years ago

I already tried to understand your arduino code files, but before I will open my dehumidifier, I would like to test and configure the ESP. So far, I managed to compile the source (see my small pull request for latest Arduino IDE compatibility) and upload it to the microcontroller with a generic FTDI. Afterwards, I connected "EN" to 3.3V and removed IOzero from GND. The serial console outputs some bytes, but the WIFI access point does not show up in my phone. Am I doing something wrong? Thank you for your help.

coolibry commented 2 years ago

to get wifi up: