Hypha-ROS / hypharos_ardrone_navigation

ARDrone autonomous indoor navigation by integrating lsd-slam with imu through least square method
Apache License 2.0
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Edit Octomap #6

Closed axelfar closed 6 years ago

axelfar commented 6 years ago

Hi all, I want to change the voxel's color in octomap_rviz. For now I can select between Z-axis color and probability color. I want to fix a new color to have the occupied voxels with a color and free voxels with an other. Someone know how to do it? I don't find OctomapServer.cpp Or, where is the source code of octomap with the definition of Z-axis and Probability color?

Thanks :)

axelfar commented 6 years ago

Edit: I decide to replace ar_drone_move_it and Demo.launch by octomap.launch from this repo https://github.com/OctoMap/octomap_mapping

With this I have the code to change octomap color, generation process, ...