Hypha-ROS / hypharos_ardrone_navigation

ARDrone autonomous indoor navigation by integrating lsd-slam with imu through least square method
Apache License 2.0
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ar_drone_moveit troubles #7

Open axelfar opened 6 years ago

axelfar commented 6 years ago

Hi all,

I have download and edit octomap_server to made my own octomap generation like this : screenshot With three types of voxels(Occupied, free and unknown). I use Octomap.launch , the same as in _ar_dronemoveit folder but in the _octomapserver folder.

Now I want to use moveit to planify a path with my drone. But when I use Demo.launch I have the default octomap generation like this : screenshot from 2018-05-22 10 37 50

Do you know how change the octomap generation by my version?

In a second time when I try to planify a path, I have this error : "No Planning Library Loaded" screenshot11

And if I click on 'Plan' it failed immediately. Someone see the cause of this problem?

EDIT: After some updates and packages installation, my problem with the planning library is solved! I can plan a path and visualize it in RVIZ. Thx

boonflies commented 6 years ago

I am experiencing the same thing. The drone does not move. Could it be because of using tum_ardrone in joystick mode earlier. There seems to be some issue changing to autopilot. I tried to switch to autopilot after initially using joystick mode but drone does not even respond to takeoff command in autopilot mode.

axelfar commented 6 years ago

I have find how execute the path. 1) Put Tum in autopilot 2) Controller -> press p and s 3) In octomap when you have a good map plan and execute the path

I just have a problem with the distance conversion.

And I don't know how to change the octomap generation :(

axelfar commented 6 years ago

@kungfrank I have a problem with conversion.cpp I don't have the same result for a same drone position. And my result in RVIZ is small and compressed like this: octomap_fusion_voxels And I want this result : screenshot from 2018-05-22 10 37 50 In the last photo I have fix manually the different parameters. But when I generate a path my program didn't have a good estimation of distances. In conversion.cpp you do a matrix rotation of 45°? why not 90°?

TengFeiHan0 commented 6 years ago

I got a different problem when running rosrun lsd_slam_viewer viewer $rosrun lsd_slam_core live_slam image:=/ardrone/front/image_rect camera_info:=/ardrone/front/camera_info

this is a description of the problem what I have met[https://answers.ros.org/question/296036/couldnt-see-the-image-and-depth-map-when-running-lsd-slam/] @axelfar @boonflies @kungfrank thank you in advance

axelfar commented 6 years ago

Hi, Have you check if you see image_rect and camera_info when you do rostopic list? And if all seems good when you spec with rostopic echo ? I did not have those errors :/

TengFeiHan0 commented 6 years ago

@axelfar @kungfrank I followed these steps you listed as before, all packages were compiled smoothly. However, when typing rosrun lsd_slam_core live_slam image:=/ardrone/front/image_rect camera_info:=/ardrone/front/camera_info segmentation fault(core dumped) was found in the terminal.__ rosgraphhere is my rqt_graph. I promise I typed your instructions step by step. So I don't know how to fix this problem.

kungfrank commented 6 years ago

@TengFeiHan0 Please have a look at issue#1 https://github.com/Hypha-ROS/hypharos_ardrone_navigation/issues/1

TengFeiHan0 commented 6 years ago

@kungfrank thank you for your reply. the question is when typing rosrun lsd_slam_core live_slam image:=/ardrone/front/image_rect camera_info:=/ardrone/front/camera_info, I couldn't see anything except segementation fault

kungfrank commented 6 years ago

Maybe this one https://github.com/Hypha-ROS/hypharos_ardrone_navigation/issues/3#issuecomment-391252277

TengFeiHan0 commented 6 years ago

@kungfrank screenshot from 2018-09-08 15 14 16 after a calibration of my drone, I tried to start mapping thread as displayed in the image, it said that the tracking has been lost. I retried several times. Unfortunately, the output is always the same with what I have said before. Do you know the reason?

TengFeiHan0 commented 6 years ago

Just what I have displayed as before, tracking thread is vulnerable to lose. I have tried several times and can't get a set of good key points. whether it relates to my calibration file? @kungfrank @jim1993 @kaiwu013

kungfrank commented 6 years ago

@TengFeiHan0 Yes, LSD_SLAM lose track problem is cause by calibration file. As far as I remember, you can find this problem in one of LSD_SLAM repo's issue.