HypixelDev / PublicAPI

Official Java implementation of the Hypixel Public API.
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Remove Base64 Image Assets #620

Closed FreeMoneyHyb closed 6 months ago

FreeMoneyHyb commented 6 months ago

The api when sending a request to get all info has many base64ed images. i presume that for most devs its an incovience. possibly remove these. makes people need to use a json path finder

ConnorLinfoot commented 6 months ago

We are unaware of any endpoints that return base64 images, you will have to be more specific to what endpoint you are referencing.

Picsou993 commented 6 months ago

I think he is talking about the skin field available for SKULL_ITEM materials in resources/skyblock/items. However I don't see why not having them would let you use something else than a json path finder as result would be in JSON anyway @FreeMoneyHyb.

FreeMoneyHyb commented 6 months ago

my bad some of this may not be image data but its is enlarged with some encryption for 0 reason. x.profiles[(some profilenumber)].members.(some uuid).inv_armor.data x.profiles[(some profilenumber)].members.(some uuid).inv_contents.data x.profiles[(some profilenumber)].members.(some uuid).wardrobe_contents

Theres alot more thats encrypted dont think this is base64 but its large and makes looking through the data confusing for someone whos new to coding. image @ConnorLinfoot

ConnorLinfoot commented 6 months ago

This data is the inventory data as described in the API documentation, we won't be removing this as the majority of SkyBlock based websites use this data.

I would recommend using a JSON viewer that allows you to collapse fields, or make sure you don't have word wrapping on. JSON is always going to be more difficult to read regardless if you are viewing it in a raw format vs being "prettified".