HypnosCicero / Raphael

A scalable, adaptive, and continuously learning neural network.
MIT License
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Iteration Plan for July 2024 #1

Open HypnosCicero opened 2 weeks ago

HypnosCicero commented 2 weeks ago

This plan captures our work in July. This is a 4-week iteration. We will ship in early August.

Plan Items

Below is a summary of the top level plan items. Legend of annotations: Mark Description
:runner: work in progress
:hand: blocked task
:muscle: stretch goal
:red_circle: missing link

Theoretical part

HypnosCicero commented 2 weeks ago

Today, I known about the new ANN which is Evolving Self-Assembling Neural Networks and I saw their paper are very perfect, So I made up my mind to study their papers for optimization.