HypoX64 / DeepMosaics

Automatically remove the mosaics in images and videos, or add mosaics to them.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Demosaic video with genitals and faces censored bugged (it tries to uncensor face instead genitals with "youknow" model with weird results) #93

Open suphamster opened 2 years ago

suphamster commented 2 years ago

It may looks funny to see dickface ppl but maybe there is possible to auto detect faces and skip them or auto use faces models for it. Even cheap phones can detect faces so I think it's not difficult to imlement this (at least I hope so).

cloudwindy commented 2 years ago

this made me laugh so hard

cloudwindy commented 2 years ago

now this is some real "dickface" lol

suphamster commented 2 years ago

now this is some real "dickface" lol

Enjoy :D

cloudwindy commented 2 years ago

So hilarious lmaooooo

cloudwindy commented 2 years ago

now i'm trying if i can reproduce the bug

cloudwindy commented 2 years ago

what model are u using for mosaic position detection? i'm using mosaic_position.pth

cloudwindy commented 2 years ago

if there's bug it has to be problem with mosaic position model, maybe try to train a different model? (that may be hard)

suphamster commented 2 years ago

what model are u using for mosaic position detection? i'm using mosaic_position.pth Since it's a JAV video I'm using clean_youknow_video.pth model. Here is original frame with mosaic.

cloudwindy commented 2 years ago

Sadly I do not think there's a way to differentiate face and genital mosaic. @HypoX64 do you have any ideas?

cloudwindy commented 2 years ago

hello, can you do me a favour? i'm running on NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti (CUDA installed) and i'm working on a 3840x3210 video, but only have a speed of 0.05x (every 1 second in the video takes 20 seconds to process), and i'm not sure if this problem is specific to me, so can you run a test and hopefully calculate the speed?

suphamster commented 2 years ago

hello, can you do me a favour? i'm running on NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti (CUDA installed) and i'm working on a 3840x3210 video, but only have a speed of 0.05x (every 1 second in the video takes 20 seconds to process), and i'm not sure if this problem is specific to me, so can you run a test and hopefully calculate the speed?

Hi, I have only 2k JAV so far didn't saw any slow speeds while demosaic. But if u cut a 1 min fragment I could try... Are u using 11.0 cuda and GUI version or u run from source code?

cloudwindy commented 2 years ago

i'm on ubuntu 21.10 using cuda 11.6. does newer version worsen performance? btw i'm running from source code

suphamster commented 2 years ago

i'm on ubuntu 21.10 using cuda 11.6. does newer version worsen performance? btw i'm running from source code

I dunno but GUI+GPU version works strictly with 11.0. Also I heard that RTX 3000 Series needs CUDA 11.1 or newer (at least for JavPlayer v.1.09a + TG-Plus). But I think if u run from sources then it should be OK but latest Torch+Torchvision CUDA version is only v11.3 as far as I know according Pythorch.org (pip3 install torch==1.10.2+cu113 torchvision==0.11.3+cu113 torchaudio==0.10.2+cu113 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu113/torch_stable.html) but I'm noob at Python so don't know for sure.