Hypocrita20XX / Conexus

A tool that allows players of Darkest Dungeon to get a precise mod load order in-game based on an existing Steam collection or list of links
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Resource - Generate Links.txt from subscribed item pages html #21

Closed Qazzquimby closed 3 years ago

Qazzquimby commented 3 years ago

This isn't an issue, so sorry if there's a better way I should have shared this. I wanted to quickly generate a Links.txt from the items I currently have subscribed. I expect there's a better way using steamcmd, but I'm more familiar with web scraping.

This python script requires the user manually download the html for each page of their collection (ideally with 30 items per page) and put them in a directory called workshop_html. This could be automated, but I didn't want to mess around with authorization and requests.

Requires pip install bs4

`import glob import dataclasses

import bs4

@dataclasses.dataclass class Mod: name: str url: str

def get_mods_from_soup(soup: bs4.BeautifulSoup): mod_soups = soup.select("div.workshopItemSubscriptionDetails") mods = [Mod(url=soup.select_one('a')['href'], name=soup.select_one('div.workshopItemTitle').text) for soup in mod_soups]

return mods

def get_mods(): mods = []

for path in glob.glob('workshop_html/*.html'):
    with open(path, errors='ignore') as file:
        soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(file)
        mods_in_file = get_mods_from_soup(soup)
        mods += mods_in_file

return mods

def get_mods_text(): mods = get_mods() mod_texts = [f"*{mod.name}\n{mod.url}" for mod in mods] mods_text = '\n'.join(mod_texts) return mods_text

if name == 'main': mods_text = get_mods_text() with open('Links.txt', 'w+') as file: file.write(mods_text)`

Hypocrita20XX commented 3 years ago

Hey there, thanks for sharing! Your solution is definitely more elegant than how I usually go about doing it, I take what Conexus gives me and edit that a fair bit in Notepad++. He does something similar, although it's all tied up in a package, versus what you have here, which is standalone, as best I understand, at least. I've only ever messed with Python to very briefly automate Blender some years ago.

Edit: I may integrate this into the wiki, although I'll need some time to figure out exactly how best to do this, and if so, I'll be sure to properly credit you. =-)