Hyundai-Kia-Connect / hyundai_kia_connect_api

This is a Kia UVO and Hyundai Bluelink written in python. It is primary consumed by home assistant. If you are looking for a home assistant Kia / Hyundai implementation please look here: Much of this base code came from reading bluelinky and contributions to the kia_uvo home assistant project.
MIT License
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(Kia EU) Push notification integration #144

Open zulufoxtrot opened 1 year ago

zulufoxtrot commented 1 year ago

It looks like an integration of Google Cloud Messaging was attempted at some point by @fuatakgun :

            credentials = push_receiver.register(sender_id=self.GCM_SENDER_ID)
            registration_id = credentials["gcm"]["token"]

push_register is a Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) / FIrebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) client library. I assume the intended application was to retrieve push notifications the way the native app does it.

This was removed in new releases. Why?

cdnninja commented 1 year ago

Orignally this code came from here

I believe it was removed because push_receiver as a library is no longer supported and has deprecated libraries so was a ticking time bomb on some of our users systems.

cdnninja commented 1 year ago

In theory a new fork of push_receiver could be created with updated dependencies to continue that approach.

zulufoxtrot commented 1 year ago

OK. I looked around and found other similar libraries. In theory there could be useful use cases for a notification client. We'd need to check how it works in practice. I believe each client (mobile app) or user has a unique ID/token, and it may not be easy to obtain.