Hyvok / Inkscape-rotary-encoder-disk-generator

Inkscape extension for creating optical rotary encoder discs
MIT License
52 stars 9 forks source link

Extension greyed out in list #12

Open throbscottle opened 2 months ago

throbscottle commented 2 months ago

Inkscape 1.3.2, Arch Linux, python 3.12.4.

Extension used to work but tried it recently and was greyed out in the extension list. Updated to newer version, cleared out old extensions - same problem.

Resolved (for now) by deleting the inkex.py dependency as per solution to previous issue - even though inkex.py is present in /usr/share/inkscape/extensions it doesn't seem to be found.

Either this superb rotary encoder extension needs to be updated, or issue needs passing upstream to the Inkscape people.

Thanks for a great tool!

Dragonrun1 commented 1 month ago

I haven't really been using this for a couple years in any of my projects so not surprised it needs some updates for the latest versions of Inkscape. If I find some time I'll check it out on my fork and see what it'll take to update it for the newer version.