Hywela / Tab-Postion-Cuztomizer-Modified

Extension for chrome - web browser: Manage tabs
MIT License
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Can URL Match supportopen in backgroud foreground? #36

Open vvyoko opened 2 years ago

vvyoko commented 2 years ago

Thank you very much for making the tool! It has helped me a lot

I do need backgroud to open tabs But once I select it will have many side effects

New tab button becomes background Settings option become background The external open URL also becomes background Almost all the options that need to be open in foreground are now in background

So is it possible to support setting this in terms of rules? Open in foreground of the global Part of the url setting rules background open

Hywela commented 2 years ago

Hi vvyoko,

Yes its possible, You can download the Zip file with the requested modification changes here


A change like that adds another layer of complexity so it wont go out on the google store before I have had the time to test it in depth and fix up some other code parts that is not preforming as expected.

vvyoko commented 2 years ago

Sorry, since the last update was in 2021 I thought this extension was not active So I didn't see the reply in time

I'm glad you are still focused on this extension After testing this feature there is still a small problem All other functions are normal

Matching URLs are opened in the foreground regardless of the settings

global foreground || background 
Match foreground || background 

This is at least partially working ....

Currently I'm using edge I'm trying to set the global background Set foreground for some URLs (newtab etc...) But I've tried various URL matches and can't get it to work It may be due to permissions or other reasons


I can only look forward to your subsequent fixes Thank you for your work! Have a great life!

vvyoko commented 2 years ago

I may have found This rule is to match the URL of the current page instead of matching the URL of the target window

Insufficient permissions when in newtab etc. so can only work on the global settings

So it may just have to wait for your fix...