Hzzone / Precipitation-Nowcasting

pytorch implemention of trajGRU.
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Question about training #11

Open zhangfuhan opened 4 years ago

zhangfuhan commented 4 years ago

First of all thank you so much for sharing your code. I have a problem during training: Why can an iteration take about 12s?

like this: 0%| | 8/100000 [01:36<336:01:47, 12.10s/it]

Is the process of loading data too time-consuming.

Hope to get your answer! Thank you!

Hzzone commented 4 years ago

I have no idea about your problem, but when I trained, it took me about 1s for 1 iteration with SSD and HKO data.

zhangfuhan commented 4 years ago

Thank you very much! I use ssd to try.