I-A-C / script.module.lambdascrapers

Scrapers Module for Exodus based add ons
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My Apologies #12

Closed I-A-C closed 5 years ago

I-A-C commented 5 years ago

I'm sorry for not being more vocal here. I am pretty new to Github and I'm learning as I go along.

I know things are confusing right now with 3 different repos and what not. Since creating the ExodusReduxRepo, I've been doing all new development in that repo and pretty much abandoned the older one. I know that's bad form and want to get that fixed.

After several attempts, I finally got the ExodusReduxRepo setup properly on 0.0.4. I just don't want to mess things up and invoke the wrath of reddit.

ghost commented 5 years ago

No problem we all have been there. We are here to help. My recommendation is to use the desktop application download ExodusReduxRepo since this is the main contributed repo to date and LambdaScrapers

Delete LambdaScrapersRepo

Then to make it simple in the the ExodusReduxRepo folder move all folders except the script.module.lambdascrapers folder out of the root directory. Then from the desktop application compare both repos and merge ExodusReduxRepo\script.module.lambdascrapers into LambdaScrapers\script.module.lambdascrapers.

Now you have updated the LambdaScrapers outside of ExodusReduxRepo.

the link for the repos is now changed and will have to be updated for this to work.

You can now move the folders back into ExodusReduxRepo and remove the script.module.lambdascrapers folder. Commit and upload to git update xml and .md5.

In the LambdaScrapers repo on the desktop application update the xml and .md5 commit upload to git.

Letter me know if this makes sense or would like to see an example. I'm sure there are different ways to do this but as you are new this may help make sense of and be easier to get going.

Remember to always back up!!!!

I-A-C commented 5 years ago

I work on an ubuntu setup.. so it's either command line or website. I've made some changes as you've suggested.

If I use https://github.com/I-A-C/script.module.lambdascrapers/ for just LambdaScrapers should I keep it in the script.module.lambdascrapers folder or exposed like it is now?

ghost commented 5 years ago

BACK UP BACK UP BACK UP I see... So make a new repo named "LambdaScrapers" move script.module.lambdascrapers folder into LambdaScrapers merge the latest commits into it. Done, now you have a dedicated repo outside of ExodusReduxRepo named "LambdaScrapers"

Now make another repo named "Lambda Repo" move your current repository.lambdascrapers folder into it Done, now you have a dedicated repo outside of Lambda Repo (for the updates)

Now delete all other repos EXCEPT ExodusReduxRepo

Now you have 3 repos "LambdaScrapers", "ExodusReduxRepo" and "Lambda Repo"

Now you need to update the repository.lambdascrapers xml for the all to sync up.

hope this helps..

ghost commented 5 years ago

Based on what you have setup as on 10/19/18 @7AM PST, I went ahead and made a structure for you with the files currently posted.


This will give you the visual setup.

What I did was: ExodusReduxRepo - removed "repository.exodusredux", "script.module.lambdascrapers" and "zips" folders They are in the zips folder

I-A-C-Repo - removed "zips" folder They are in the zips folder

LambdaScrapers - removed "zips/script.module.lambdascrapers" They are in the zips folder

Added "zips" folder for all compressed files. Your repo now points to this folder for all updated files for users, data folder. the repo in this folder is the only repo anyone needs for ExodusReduxRepo & LambdaScrapers.

Here why this is a good structure: So now when there is a commit to ExodusReduxRepo you just need to update the addon.xml version, zip it and place in zip folder. Kodi will check for updates and update automatically just EodusReduxRepo. The same goes for LambdaScrapers, when a there is a commit added you change the addon.xml zip it place in the zips folder and Kodi will update the LambdaScrapers module automatically.

The repo shouldn't need to be changed unless you add to it. Like if you wanted to remove Jsergios repo then you would have to update the addon.xml, create a addons.xml and addons.xml.md5 files.

Also I dont see a need for "I-A-C.github.io" I would delete it.

Deciding on what you want to do you can use all these and update your git, You can delete everything and use these (back up first), use web browser or go one by one.

I hope this helps.

doko-desuka commented 5 years ago

Hi. Based on what you have so far (Oct 19 16:36 UCT) and what @turtlestv suggested:

ghost commented 5 years ago

Point/suggestion well noted and agreed. The community benefit is much greater that way.


SerpentDrago commented 5 years ago

ohhh my its a mess right now .. you guys just had to go say something haha .

ghost commented 5 years ago

HAHAHAH!!!!! Looks much better now and contributing will be better for all. I'm glad they are getting it cleaned up.

We will stay quite for a bit.........


I-A-C commented 5 years ago

I've set up a repo for each add-on source code where each add-on repo has the direct file structure. I tried to set up the repos while preserving history, but I couldn't quite get that figured out. It would be nice to have, but that's above my knowledge base atm.

I've keep everything intact in the original ExodusReduxRepo until I figure out what to do with that.

"Remember that people installed the repository.exodusredux". So the only thing I should leave here is the zip folder with updated repository.exodusredux/addon.xml?

doko-desuka commented 5 years ago

I don't think the loose addon.xml is read by Kodi. It needs to be inside the zip. From the docs, when Kodi checks for updates it only checks the addons.xml.md5 for changes to know if the addons.xml (which lists all addons in the repository) needs to be redownloaded.
Inside the updated addons.xml there should be the updated repository add-on entry with the new datadir path. But just for safety you should update all copies of repository.exodusredux.zip with an addon.xml that points to the new, correct datadir path, so that no matter where people get your add-on repository, the old path or the new, the datadir path will always be the right one

This way whenever ppl startup Kodi and their repository.exodusredux are updated, their addon.xml will have the right datadir path.

doko-desuka commented 5 years ago

PS: things are looking good in your repos! It takes one click to go into the add-on source, it's more transparent and accessible. Great job.

SerpentDrago commented 5 years ago

I think its more confusing now ! which one is the Kodi repo now ? zips ?

and now i'll have to maintain forks of each part of the addons . and do pulls each time for each one to keep in date ..

whatever you guys seem to think this is better .

ghost commented 5 years ago

I suggest waiting till he is complete with the reorg. Nothing has changed as far as addon/modules/etc. When its all done the repo will be updated and we can go from there. @I-A-C things look much better, good job! @doko-desuka transparent is the ultimate way this works, great tips and suggestions!!!

jewbmx commented 5 years ago

Im not sure whats goin on lol but if we are designing I-A-C's account id wipe it all lol and go

_script.module.lambdascrapers ---everything Lambda ---Lambda Repo (also good title for the main folder)

_ExodusReduxRepo ---All addon files ---Repo addon


ghost commented 5 years ago

@jewbmx lol late to the party... He has redone/reorg it. Its good how it is now. Once the repo is updated all is good and updates can begin again.

@I-A-C I suggest you post on reddit so that everyone knows you are reorganizing the git. Once updated clean all reddit posts and update with a master post.

doko-desuka commented 5 years ago

At the risk of sounding like a whiney bitch, I should offer apologies too... if I had been any more patient I would've noticed that your repos could also follow the structure used by nixgates for Incursion, with just one master repository. Something like this:

Repository ExodusRedux

Lambda Scrapers (a folder)

README.md (explaining what's Lambda Scrapers)

Exodus Redux (another folder)

README.md (explaining what's Exodus Redux)

Zips (folder)


This is also a completely valid structure. It's one repository ("Repository ExodusRedux") for people to send their bug reports and pull-requests. It's probably more organized than what I suggested on my earlier posts.

I-A-C commented 5 years ago

Damn you!! :) Glad I got those updates out before I saw this.

My main problem before was that I had the zips inside the ExodusReduxRepo and not it's own repository. That part seem's to be straightened out now.

Now you gonna make be rethink things. Good thing I left the ExodusReduRepo relatively intact.

Renaming repository ExodusReduxRepo to Exodus Redux (folder) and repository script.module.lambdascrapers to back to Lambda Scrapers (folder) is pretty straight forward.

Creating one master repository Repository ExodusRedux and moving the 3 folders (4 including the github.io folder) under this master repository is tricky.

I can create the structure and commit everything as new. However, I'm not sure how to do this AND maintain history.

host505 commented 5 years ago

^^ No, I think it's much better the way it is now, because:

Edit: it just doesn't get any simpler than that. You have your 'test repos', to which you can commit/revert changes how often you like, have testers test them, and when you feel it's stable enough upload them to the main repo for the masses. More productive - don't have to be afraid to experiment, even if you mess up you won't have myriads of people complaining. On incursion style repo, in order to test a change on a single plugin, you have to download the whole contents of the repo, extract the plugin you want to test, zip it and install it.

I-A-C commented 5 years ago

The ability to download the zip for said module from it's respective repository is very helpful.

I kept getting conflicts the way it was setup before (zip of entire repo) or I was committing stuff from other folders in the repo that weren't ready yet. The separate respositories as dev branches, really does make it easier. Which is kinda why I'm leaning toward this method.

On the flip side, it is kinda a pain to have to follow 7 different repositories instead of one or two.

doko-desuka commented 5 years ago

Oh cool, I'd stick with whatever is easier to use.