I-A-C / script.module.lambdascrapers

Scrapers Module for Exodus based add ons
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Integrate lambdascrapers with Exodus Clones #34

Closed pewkodi closed 5 years ago

pewkodi commented 5 years ago

I was able to integrate the lambda scrapers module into my Exodus clone.

The docs on Reddit were useful but my addon would never used the lambda scrapers sources only the sources in the addon. I was was able to use the lambda sources with the following changes.

Here are the files I changed.

addon.xml for the plugin:

added category to settings.xml at bottom of the file for the plugin.video.addonname in the resources folder.

Added lines to the sources.py files in the script.module.addon/lib/resources/modules

after line 33 try: import lambdascrapers except: pass

after line 322:

try: sourceDict = [(i[0], i[1], control.setting('provider.' + i[0])) for i in sourceDict]

    try: sourceDict = [(i[0], i[1], control.addon("script.module.lambdascrapers").getSetting('provider.' + i[0])) for i in sourceDict]

after line 1163:

try: from lambdascrapers import sources except: pass


SerpentDrago commented 5 years ago

This post reminds me that someone should write or link to a how to Integrate lambdascrapers and put it in the repo readme for others

jewbmx commented 5 years ago

Looking at your addons.xml and already see how you could be getting errors lmao. Ever use indent bra?

jewbmx commented 5 years ago

Id suggest debug scraping your addon instead of using except: pass tricks lol.

pewkodi commented 5 years ago

i was using the linux text editor do just do minor changes and the indents all line up.. not sure why when i commit into github the indents are off. lookup at it thru vi and see if they are off.

my repo is here: https://chibo.000webhostapp.com/plugin just add the chibo repo then the video plugin.

pewkodi commented 5 years ago

try excepts are used if the lambda module does not get imported. It will use the addon sources as fallback. ie: pretty much the same as the lambda scraper.

Pretty good at programmming in python just not sure how kodi uses it to pass variables and see what is happening thru output and what variables are. I know there is a how to on scraping on the kodi site and there is a a debug mode for kodi. It would be nice if i could see how the command line output would be.

jewbmx commented 5 years ago

Pretty sure your issues just a small error somewhere in your code. If ya upload the entire addon to github the Wise Doko might help you out with it. Think he already has a reddit page out there somewhere to help with this tho.

jewbmx commented 5 years ago

You ever try...

xbmcgui.Dialog ().textviewer ("data",str (name))

Change 'name' to whatever your checkin

pewkodi commented 5 years ago

My addon works now. I was just pointing out what I did to get it working based on the reddit post and what i did to get it working.

It scrapes using lambada scrapers.

Go ahead and test my addon if you like. I can look at some more debug with the xbmc dialog output.

I appreciate it,

pewkodi commented 5 years ago

it just add all the source to my guthub account. Corrected indents as well.

SerpentDrago commented 5 years ago

@pewkodi remember indents need to be either Spaces or tabs ! never mix . I have my editor set to show if its a space or tab indent and to always use spaces . even if i press tab (it then puts in 3 spaces ) .

This is prob the source of some of your issues . ? Once you start copying and pasteing from various places your sure to run into a issue with spaces and tabs being mixed . Get your editor to show it !

pewkodi commented 5 years ago

I went thru the changed files and corrected any indent or spaces. It should all be corrected. The code is working so the addon can use lambda scrapers.

Thanks for your help.