I-A-C / script.module.lambdascrapers

Scrapers Module for Exodus based add ons
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Scraper Settings resetting when closing kodi #42

Closed SerpentDrago closed 5 years ago

SerpentDrago commented 5 years ago



I keep day after day after day . Get posts about this "issue"

Its got to be something screwy with that cleanupservice.py thing

SerpentDrago commented 5 years ago


and another.... seriously guys can anything be done?

jewbmx commented 5 years ago

Best way to fix that issue is to stay off reddit :)

jewbmx commented 5 years ago

Any chance these issues could be caused by something dumb and small like not having a init.py with LS's settings or having different versions of files in the module folders? (ExoRedux /modules vs LS /modules)