I-A-C / script.module.lambdascrapers

Scrapers Module for Exodus based add ons
61 stars 39 forks source link

LambdaScrapers -> Seren package generator #48

Closed ghost closed 5 years ago

ghost commented 5 years ago


Untested, WIP.
To be used with https://github.com/nixgates/plugin.video.Seren


doko-desuka commented 5 years ago

Since that person closed their account and the files are gone (I think it was after they made this comment here), I think this issue can be safely closed now since it's out of scope.

jewbmx commented 5 years ago

Im not sure whats up with all that lol but i think the person was passing off their work to you and im guessing it was just whats here... (found in their reddit post) https://pastebin.com/raw/sge6VtcE

jewbmx commented 5 years ago

I assume it had to do with making nix's new addon and LS compatible. But if yall make those packages id think of some nice ways to split em up into different groups or something so its not a huge file and to try and prevent future dupes issues.

doko-desuka commented 5 years ago

From what they're saying in that reddit post, they don't think it can be done right now, not without some modifications to nix's Seren.
But then since that add-on was written for premium services specifically, maybe it's best to have another add-on solely for these free-hosts that LS uses?

jewbmx commented 5 years ago

Just turn on your RD and enable that dbird only setting and put those scrapers in a folder somewhere to edit and use for nixgates, I assume that could maybe work. Think i seen nixgates say somewhere that it will be for free users too sooner or later

rrosajp commented 5 years ago

@jewbmx @doko-desuka they added hear https://github.com/reddit-reaper/ScraperPackages but some how need some more setting in seren.

jewbmx commented 5 years ago

Thanks rosa didnt know lol.

Only took a quick glance for now but it looks like they are doing a full pile of both types and might not be doing as much of a rewrite as i was thinking.

I figured we could take the scrapers that give RD results and change them to RD only then research the addon and current working package to rewrite the scrapers to match his addon.

Also spotted some scrapers the other day somewhere from an older addon that looked like they would work in nix's addon with very few changes but as always ive forgotten to make a note for my baked brain lol

jewbmx commented 5 years ago

I dont use any premo accounts so i probably wont be helping with this kinda stuff honestly unless asked to, but think domain updates are all id be useful for lmao plus im on a s7 phone so quite limited in ways.

SerpentDrago commented 5 years ago

I dont' see how getting lambdascrapers to work with seren is "out of scope"

The whole point of this project is to provide a central place for scrapers . if it can be made to work with multiple types of addons the better .

If any dev needs a free PM account for development , hit Reaper/Cody up on Reddit.

hopefully nix adds support for ResolveURl /free hosters soon

I was hoping that This project could integrate the script and generate zips for use in seren

doko-desuka commented 5 years ago

I dont' see how getting lambdascrapers to work with seren is "out of scope"

Hi. I didn't say getting LS to work with Seren is out of scope, I said that this Issue is out of scope since the files in the OP seem to be gone (their whole account is gone too).
But I still think that Seren should focus on premium hosters, and ExodusRedux or 13Clowns etc. should focus on free-hosters. I think it's better to have two simple add-ons working fast and well at specific things, than one single add-on trying to do it all, more room for optimization.

ghost commented 5 years ago

We are working on adding upnext to 13clowns and plan on staying with ls for both free and Rd. Honestly have had much time to look at seren. This weekend we will though.

Agree having stable fast addons is much better for the end-user.

SerpentDrago commented 5 years ago

I guess i'll just keep plugging away at my metaliq fork , so i can have a easy way to play something that doesnt' find sources in one or the other :) (hint if anyone wants to take a look its Deepthought on my github . its almost working fully in kodi 18 . take a look at the issues lol , you know if anyone is bored ) Anyways . back on topic !

Sounds good guys

host505 commented 5 years ago

I don't see how this project should be bothered to port Ls to work with seren (or any non-exodus based add-on). It's a module for exodus-based add-ons. I'm not the one saying that, readme does. Of course anyone can do it (and already does), it's foss. But whoever maintains the Ls seren port should be more careful about double-scraping, because right now a4k & Ls have some common scrapers (rlsbb & 2ddl), that means if a user enables both packages double scraping occurs on these sites (well 2ddl is currently broken on a4k package so doesn't occur on that one).

Edit: I was just informed on Reddit that this will be addressed soon.

jewbmx commented 5 years ago

Im so lost lmao, doesnt reddit_reaper already have a LS package done? Why not leave that to the people that work with seren. I feel like its the same as asking to blend this project with the UniversalScrapers project lol