I-A-C / script.module.lambdascrapers

Scrapers Module for Exodus based add ons
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=Scraper Check 11-21-2018 #50

Closed jewbmx closed 5 years ago

jewbmx commented 5 years ago

=Scraper Check 11-21-2018 forgot to keep track of my work like always so this ones gonna be different lol. uploading all the working scrapers after im done since i cant tell where i been. the trashbin of nojoys will be listed below and need removed to your nojoy fix folder.


jewbmx commented 5 years ago

Think i did that right lol. (First timer)

Only thing i did was fix normal scrapers and upload em to the folder, didnt do anything else.

host505 commented 5 years ago

Nice! Can you just delete mywatchseries? Just delete it in your fork and the change will append on this pr too.

jewbmx commented 5 years ago

So if i delete it now before the PR gets approved it will stay gone?

jewbmx commented 5 years ago

Did it anyways lol. Hoping this gets approved today so people can stop complaining about it and i also wanna remove the fork from my stuff lol

host505 commented 5 years ago

Yeah you can do whatever changes you want on your forked repo until the pr gets merged and they will be included on this pr.

jewbmx commented 5 years ago

Nice. Im super git stupid lol but doesnt seem as confusing as it looks.

Someone will still need to remove the settings that might go with that scraper, i dont wanna touch anything besides actual scrapers :)

host505 commented 5 years ago

Thought of that, but that scraper still exists in sources_incursion, so as long as we have that the setting should remain.

bjgood commented 5 years ago

jewbmx, You should add putlockeronl in your pull request. It works fine if you add in a cfscrape fix.

jewbmx commented 5 years ago

Is it already in the folders? I can go thru the nojoys and do some quick fixes in about 2 hours. I'll do a new PR if needed too lol (just started watching the new Fantastic Breasts movie)

bjgood commented 5 years ago

The quality of Fantastic Beasts is terrible. I know it's a cam but waiting for the sound quality to improve. Enjoy it if you can...;).

Later, dude. :).

jewbmx commented 5 years ago

Lol omg about 55mins in has a mic crackle that makes your groin ache. Watched more the 10mins of it so I cant stop now lmao. Still better then working on my addon

doko-desuka commented 5 years ago

Fantastic Breasts movie

Who doesn't love some fantastic breasts?


Wow, they usually redirect to the new domain, but no. This time they seem to be gone for good. I hope we weren't the cause of that.
A pity, they were a good source. Few hosts but good ones, like MyCloud which I think was also owned by them.

Gotta look for fresh websites to make scrapers for. I tried to watch "The Incredibles 2" today and got only unplayable links.
I can see the appeal of torrent / P2P.

jewbmx commented 5 years ago

Lol doko i didnt even notice my phone autocorrupt me. As for plocker.py id say it could be a temp down thing but its been a couple days so i doubt it lol, i have like every working scraper in my scrubs module if you guys wanna pick thru em and add some new choices.

After this PR gets approved you should have alot more sources found since i had to touch up or fix about a third of the scrapers

jewbmx commented 5 years ago

As for your p2p torrent comment EEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWW pukes on peepee

But there is a few issues as of late that suck lol, theres a million addons being thrown up that all use the same scrapers or sites but barely anyone actually maintains their scrapers to keep up with the website changes. Pretty sure healthy scrapers do less harm then the outdated ones lol.

Then you got the people that just pile in everything they find without even reading the code, only opening the files to put their name in it. Be having 4 of the same broken scraper with just the name difference lmao. Them guys are a ghetto botnet/ddos. I have actually looked into all the main named addons around and havent really seen any that do a nice job at maintaining their addon, last one i seen was placenta

jewbmx commented 5 years ago

Heads up to anyone that contributes to this project... imma do some non-en testing in the next day or so for my addon, and since the lack of em here is causein problems for people i am just gonna do a PR adding the files to the main folder set. Could also host em as a zip if someone wants to add em instead because i still wont be messing with the code outside a scraper.

*Adding em the same way it looks in a exo/cov fork lol to be clear.

jewbmx commented 5 years ago

putlockeronl wheres this located @bjgood ? Im not seeing it lol

bjgood commented 5 years ago

Hi jewbmx, It's in your script.module.Scrubs-2.3 zip file (I could have sworn it was here, too). I had been meaning to tell you about cfscrape being required for putlockeronl for a few days now but never got around to it. I hit your github everyday checking for any updates you may have posted. :).

BTW, plocker is working again...so I guess it being down was only temporary.

Have a good one.

doko-desuka commented 5 years ago

@bjgood awesome.

jewbmx commented 5 years ago

I have all my scrapers updated on my phone but havent put a update up yet because I got the menus messy right now from doing some changes and adding tmdb. Also started adding some settings i like that are in ExoRedux but havent finished em all the way or tested em all yet lol. Kinda started doing too much at once. Doing the scraper work for here and the different language ones is my breaktime from the stress of my addon lol

jewbmx commented 5 years ago

Dont know if i need to press another option to make this pr go thru but either way i am deleteing the fork from my repo this friday. I never got around to bjgoods request because im drowning myself over here lol but im sure someone else can. Im going to be focusing on my own stuff for a bit so i can get a big list of todos emptied. Also hope this doesnt sound rude or nothing lol im just high.

doko-desuka commented 5 years ago

It's all good. You're supposed to just leave the PRs like that (as long as they're well written and can be merged without causing problems, hopefully) and the owners will get to them when they can.
On occasion your PRs can get rejected or forgotten (it's happened to all of us), so it's best to submit them and move on, don't let it get personal.
You can delete the fork from where the PR comes from, the files involved stay in the repo receiving the PR and not your fork

jewbmx commented 5 years ago

Thanks doko just needed to hear that i can delete my fork folder lol, i dont mind when or if the pr gets approved as long as i dont undo the work by being OCD lmao.

On a side note i finally figured out that enable/disable rd option i was trying to get going lol. Made it into 2 menu items hidden unless nav.dev is enabled in my addon settings and added notifcations lol

jewbmx commented 5 years ago

I just put together a pairing tool for my exo fork if anyone wants to use it i uploaded it to my github page to share lol


doko-desuka commented 5 years ago

Cool stuff @jewbmx, I'm gonna take a look.

jewbmx commented 5 years ago

K imma start a issue in it for converstations about it and issues lol

SerpentDrago commented 5 years ago

@jewbmx is this updated enough to pull and merge to my fork ? IAC seems to be unresponsive or busy lately so i figured i'd update myself lol

jewbmx commented 5 years ago

Sorry was asleep lol. This is a little old so i probably fixed a few since it was done lol. I will do a full check of your fork today tho if you would like

SerpentDrago commented 5 years ago

that would be crazy cool .

You are absolutely the man !

jewbmx commented 5 years ago

I uploaded to the wrong folder but o well lmao here ya go


jewbmx commented 5 years ago

Notes are in the folder, ones that didnt work for me can be retested by others, did the check sorta quick lol

** Forgot to add that coolmoviezone has a craptcha block on the search page and thats why it dont work

jewbmx commented 5 years ago

@SerpentDrago I just made a temp scraper for coolmoviezone bypassing the search if ya wanna use it, might need some work but does the job so im moving on lol.

SerpentDrago commented 5 years ago

wow thats alot of changes and already fix's all mixed in , thanks for the work .

theres no chance you can just make a PR ? is there ? If not i'll try this week going though and making all your changes !

Thanks for you work

jewbmx commented 5 years ago

Lol np I keep proper support for my addon so its getting to be a quicker process now.

As for the PR id rather not, im on a phone and it gets annoying lol.

Personally ive decided to quit helping other projects since noone seems to stay as fluid as the sites

SerpentDrago commented 5 years ago

are all your fix's for the most part in your scrubsv2 addon ? if so i'll just grab from there :)

jewbmx commented 5 years ago

Yea i gotta stop playing with new scraper ideas and upload the latest update tho lol. Been thinking about redoing most the scrapers for quality info too

jewbmx commented 5 years ago

Wow 3 hours of messing around with invictus.ws and i finally realize that my damn RD is disabled in my settings lol hopefully all the files ive thrown away tonight didnt work

jewbmx commented 5 years ago

If anyone is interested in making new scrapers I have a big list of unused sites I can share

Looks like solarmoviez.py needs someone smarter to fix its quality lol, spent 20 minutes on it and still cant get this 1080p result to stop showing as SD lmao its episode 3 of the Krypton show if anyone wants to try ;)

doko-desuka commented 5 years ago

Sure, it's always good to know alternatives. It's a neverending uphill battle to have something that works.

I just think that with all the work involved, we should keep a private scraper list only for friends (like the MorpheusTV app owner did). If someone wants a pack with the updated scrapers, they'll need to come to Github and explicitly ask for it, as a way to demonstrate effort. Because going to Reddit to give it all away has a few problems...
A) You just did a lot of work for free;
B) You set yourself up for a copyright lawsuit from TV networks;
C) You went on public and published yourself this work that can get you sued.
So really, what's the point of doing all this?

@solarmoviez: some of these sites have difficult obfuscation mechanisms to avoid bots / scrapers leeching from them, so yeah. Another one I was looking into is ymovies.tv, it's also got some nice obfuscated javascript

PS: I hope @I-A-C is okay, they haven't posted at all on December.

drchud commented 5 years ago

Sure, it's always good to know alternatives. It's a neverending uphill battle to have something that works.

I just think that with all the work involved, we should keep a private scraper list only for friends (like the MorpheusTV app owner did). If someone wants a pack with the updated scrapers, they'll need to come to Github and explicitly ask for it, as a way to demonstrate effort. Because going to Reddit to give it all away has a few problems... A) You just did a lot of work for free; B) You set yourself up for a copyright lawsuit from TV networks; C) You went on public and published yourself this work that can get you sued. So really, what's the point of doing all this?

@solarmoviez: some of these sites have difficult obfuscation mechanisms to avoid bots / scrapers leeching from them, so yeah. Another one I was looking into is ymovies.tv, it's also got some nice obfuscated javascript

PS: I hope @I-A-C is okay, they haven't posted at all on December.

@doko-desuka Sure one or two are good points, but of course there is going to be risk. Why is it you always want to get paid???? People in kodi world know the risk but enjoy THEIR HOBBY! Its not a career, job or a way to make money. Maybe you are not cut out for kodi, which is fine cause its not 4 everyone.

doko-desuka commented 5 years ago

@drchud it's not so much that it's free... It's more like, we're setting ourselves up for some SERIOUS legal trouble, and for nothing in return.
It's just not sustainable

drchud commented 5 years ago

@doko-desuka Well not fully true in my opinion. I understand times are different today than say 2 yrs ago. People get scared just cause another group or individual got a letter. And that usually happens cause... A. They didn't take enough precautions to mask their identity. and slipped up. B. Someone Ratted them out C. They really didn't try to hide themselves in the first place. Basically they didn't give a shit.

I believe there was an individual they said he got a letter sometime in the middle of this year. So he stopped developing. Guess what, he was both an A and C for sure. Sad really cause he was good. I was even able to find a boatload of info on him.

On the flip side you have others that have been in kodi 3rd party dev. for a long time now. And they are fine. Usually quiet and keep to themselves.

If its not about money, or getting paid then why do you keep bringing that up? So are you too good to take a couple hrs if that to write a scraper for an addon? Not worth your time or what?

Here is another example of a post from a4k that you wrote:

Maybe. To be honest I think there's a need for an Exodus fork written from scratch, focused on being lightweight performant.

You have Gaia as the high-end ultra-featured swiss army knife. There should be a low-end addon for people that don't care about lots of features and just want a basic set: support for debrid and free hosters, trakt integration and maybe that's it.

But that would be a sizeable task, and for zero compensation (unpaid) :(

Now again you are basically saying, since im not getting paid.....its not worth developing right? Right or am i wrong?

SerpentDrago commented 5 years ago

I think all @doko-desuka is saying is , because of all the take down bots / sites going offline seemingly every other day . Its becoming LIKE a full time job . and as this job is unpaid (and it shouldn't be paid or about money , no one is saying that ) . its just not worth it anymore . I can def understand that .

Its not that he expects compensation . its just such a headache and no longer fun with all the legal shit to worry about ontop of constant maintance

doko-desuka commented 5 years ago

@drchud if I'm this way, imagine how the people working on TV and movies must feel towards pirates lol.

rrosajp commented 5 years ago

@doko-desuka @SerpentDrago @drchud @jewbmx @host505 long time user start learning to code scraper this one is good tutorial (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoztiHVZzng ) but its basic we need more specific to the issue they create on web page
so more people involve eventually and that will have hard to go after all ! decentralize knowledge will be the future . instead of one or 2 guys work on one project. it's just my two cents . thaks u all for doing what u can.

doko-desuka commented 5 years ago

@rrosajp there's another tutorial by IAmahTheahGameah: https://www.reddit.com/r/Addons4Kodi/comments/9bjk4v/how_to_write_a_scraper_for_an_exodus_fork/

You should also look at a scraper like this, it's a good base: vidics.py

drchud commented 5 years ago

@SerpentDrago Man its not that hard, you're exaggerating. Trust me i know. So once in a while a site closes down, no big deal you find more. Maybe a couple scrapers need a major fix every couple weeks, no big deal.

I have a full time job, a life and still find time to run and fix my addon. And lots of people were doing it before me. So please don't give me that crap. If you cant see my point, you're hopeless too. Even though this project is dead and has been, Doko's attitude is toxic for the kodi scene.

drchud commented 5 years ago

@doko-desuka Im sure you know how they feel, cause you're acting like them. Are you a snitch? I do find it strange that you made a couple scrapers and you have this type of attitude.

jewbmx commented 5 years ago

Rosa there is about 3 more decent videos you can watch to learn some more, Maud has 1 or 2 more that i learned from. As for actual files you can get about 2 or 3 templates as well but none of them will help much. Open a few scrapers and their websites source code to learn how the scrapers do their thing and you will start to see what needs changed for scrapers to work, hard part is learning the modules lol. Every scraper is a template in the long run because a few light changes can make a whole new scraper for ya if you match the site to the right one thats already made

jewbmx commented 5 years ago

Seems like this projects dead so someone might wanna pick up the torch atleast for a bit lol.

If anyone needs me you can hit me up on my repo issues. Gonna have a scraper chat going anyways for some of the stumped moments like today

ghost commented 5 years ago

@jewbmx was thinking the same. I'm more then happy to fork it and update PR's as they come in. If and when IAC comes back it all theirs.