I-A-C / script.module.lambdascrapers

Scrapers Module for Exodus based add ons
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2DDL is has now changed to Invictus #54

Closed JFG90 closed 5 years ago

JFG90 commented 5 years ago

Hi guys just seen a post from themselves that 2DDL is now Invictus, with a new website it seems http://invictus.ws

Is this something that needs to be edited in lambdascrapers? Just wanted to give you a heads up!

jewbmx commented 5 years ago

Pretty sure someone made the invictus scraper already, dont remember the full addon name but my buddy said its something like Temp**. Can also check out eggmans addons and see if hes got it

drchud commented 5 years ago

Pretty sure someone made the invictus scraper already, dont remember the full addon name but my buddy said its something like Temp**. Can also check out eggmans addons and see if hes got it

@jewbmx You are a fucking poser lol. Just like eggman......u can't code, just a copy and paster. Steal all scrapers cause u never coded python in ur life. Tell the truth bitch. Oh wait even u said fuck darewatch about a month back cause u couldn't fix the cfscrape. But wait now since someone fix the major part even thought he left off the resolver......so now u include it in your addon. Hey u said fuck that site cause the links suck and i dont like it. Two faced lying bitch! Apparently u haven't learned shit from tantrum. You walk around like u know shit, fact is u don't. Good luck fag.

drchud commented 5 years ago

@JFG90 Stop posting stuff in here as u can see this project is finished, done, and everyone was scammed lol

drchud commented 5 years ago

@jewbmx Also looking back at all ur so called work and trying to help these guys.....you never really fixed any scrapers at all. Added cfscrape that someone else made. Oh wait u changed the domain extension from .net to .org and maybe the search link. But when a scraper really broke, u are fucking clueless...braindead. Then @SerpentDrago made u his bitch. Asking to fix his scrapers then even put them in his folders. All a bunch of clowns lol

SerpentDrago commented 5 years ago

NO one here is under any illusions of claiming any work as themselfs , go home , this is Piracy you idiot , Its all open code . You get so fucking mad when someone grabs your shit , as if your not using it to pirate other peoples works yourself . fucking hypocritical idiot , look in the MIRROR ! .

If someone has a working scraper it shouldn't' be scattered in a million different addons , it should all be one nice big sorted pile .

Everyone doing their own thing is why you have to use 5 different addons to find content , its fucking stupid . We should all be working together .

I mostly use Torrents and PM , fuck constantly having to fix scrapers . But lots of people don't want to pay for anything so i tried to help and bring some people together to help i-a-c's goal of a single scraper source . I was not making ANYONE my bitch . and i've not coded near a damn thing in my life , never said i did .

Whats with you guys and your big ass egos , do you not understand the scene your in ? and i repeat , NO one said they made any scrapers here . fuck off

Long live Kodi ! lol

drchud commented 5 years ago

@SerpentDrago wow did u just grow a pair.....nope ur still a beta male lol nice try though. I really don't care if people swap scrapers as long as they know how to code and properly fix them and contribute their own too. There is a big fucking difference my friend between a real dev and a fake. I know u can't code one i was talking about the jew kid.

People like jewbmx, eggman etc only steal and don't contribute shit. Never even coded or actually fixed one. Again who fixes the scraper....the one guy who first wrote it. Now is that fair? Here is some truth.... I've already coded a scraper for 123moviehd.cc and it was running really good for a while. Then a dev with a public addon did the same. I was cool with it cause that addon is not really well known and has a small user base. From my testing the site would of been fine. But guess what, a snake like eggman jacked it within hrs (probably mins) of it being uploaded to the devs addon. Now eggmans user base is hammering the site. Then the rest of the snakes like jewbmx steal it and really fucking hammer the site....not even fucking knowing they all just fucked up the site and the work that was put in to the scraper. Its been about a day and the site is still fucked. Do u fucking get it????

There is only a couple true devs left, and the rest fake it to make it. And i really don't know why.

Really a single scraper source.....Hello does universal scrapers ring a fucking bell. Plus fuck IAC, he lied to all of u saying he could code and maybe write some scrapers lol. He didnt fix or write even one!!! Now why would someone even try to create this in the first place. A lot of people knew this was going to happen, but u were all so damn blind.

Dude you were trying to USE jewbmx. To fix those scrapers and even had the fucking nerve to ask his to put the fixed one in ur folder or create a pull req. Oh like he just didn't spoon fed u enough or something. You totally trying to take advantage of this little kid. At the same time kissing his ass like the snake u are. That is how sad u really r.

Yeah I agreee long live kodi, but it will fall fast cause of retards like u that don't take the time to learn a damn thing.

drchud commented 5 years ago

I had the forsight to see this lambda scraper shit wouldn't last long. Odds were stacked against u guys the whole fucking time. The major key component to running an exodus style fork and or a set of scrapers IS TO KNOW HOW TO FIX THEM AND CODE MORE WHEN NEEDED!

Didn't whats his face....oh yeah nixgates even say its the heart and soul of this style addon?? This just shows how stupid this project really was. I'm mean sure....you did fool a lot of people, newbs at a4k, youtubes etc. Pretty sad. So when are u going to start being honest with all the fans at a4k??? Or do more troll accounts need to be created to spread the truth?

drchud commented 5 years ago

Just so people can understand here is a quote from IAC or I_am_terrabull (On a4k)

To be honest I have my own curated list with my own scraper modifications. However, I do plan to eventually get around to consolidating these publicly sourced scrapers.

Now mind u this was 3 to 4 months ago lol And with everyone talking shit....he proved me right. He was bullshitting from the start.