I-am-Erk / CDDA-Tilesets

Master tileset repository for Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead
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Adding mods in the mod file results in an error message #2420

Closed SentientRobotMKI closed 3 weeks ago

SentientRobotMKI commented 1 month ago

I made a personal mod that fits the game's requirements to recognize it as a mod.

One of the basic requirements for the game to recognize a mod is the modinfo.json, My mod has this, but when I try to load it in the game it gives me an error message.

Here is the error code: DEBUG : Failed to read from "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.cleverraven.cataclysmdda.experimental/files/data/mods/Farlands/modinfo.json": opening file failed

FUNCTION : std::optional read_whole_file(const fs::path &) FILE : /home/runner/work/Cataclysm-DDA/Cataclysm-DDA/android/app/jni/src/../../../../src/cata_utility.cpp LINE : 552 VERSION : cdda-experimental-2024-06-19-0447 551e1b5


Since I am new in modding with barely any knowledge in coding, it could be because that I did something wrong. The mod I made isn't that intricate either.

What I did was: 1.Create a modinfo JSON file on android 2.Put it in a folder located in the mods folder 3.Load the game for results

I did this on an Android 13 cdda-experimental-2024-06-19-0447

hoasd1 commented 3 weeks ago

It's better to ask in CDDA Development Discord server as you could get help faster than here >.> There's invite link in Cataclysm-DDA Github page in Community named Official Discord