I-am-Erk / CDDA-Tilesets

Master tileset repository for Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead
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[tool] check_overmap_coverage.py #2422

Closed vetall812 closed 4 weeks ago

vetall812 commented 4 weeks ago


The script that try to determine what overmap IDs are covered by sprites in the specific tileset.

Content of the change

First working release.


Determining CDDA executable directory:
- CLI argument : not provided!
- ENV variable : D:\vetal_l\CDDA found!
- Launcher  DB : setting exist and same as environment variable.
+ game is here : D:\vetal_l\CDDA
Determining tileset and its location
- No tileset argument provided. Should try to find repository and offer a choice.
  - Check if current directory is in the repo.
  - Repository found!
    Available tilesets:
    1. Altica
    2. ASCII_Overmap
    3. BrownLikeBears
    4. Chibi_Ultica
    5. GiantDays
    6. HitButton_iso
    7. HollowMoon
    8. IsoMSX+
    9. Larwick_Overmap
    10. MShockXotto+
    11. Mushroom-Dream
    12. NeoDays
    13. PenAndPaper
    14. Retrodays
    15. SurveyorsMap
    16. Ultica_iso
    17. UltimateCataclysm
Enter the number corresponding to the desired tileset: 15
+ Tileset is here : D:\vetal_l\CDDA-Tilesets\gfx\SurveyorsMap
Total overmap objects in game: 1166

A buggy non-place (2 IDs):
  - robofachq_roof_e
  - robofachq_rock
abandoned storefront (3 IDs):
* - abstorefront_2
* - abstorefront_1
* - abstorefront
abandoned storefront roof (3 IDs):
* - abstorefront_roof_1
* - abstorefront_roof
* - abstorefront_roof_2
apartment tower (26 IDs):
* - s_apt_2_2ndfloor
  - apartments_mod_tower_110
  - apartments_mod_tower_111
  - apartments_con_tower_010
  - apartments_mod_tower_112
  - apartments_mod_tower_000
  - apartments_con_tower_112
  - apartments_mod_tower_010
  - apartments_con_tower_113
  - apartments_mod_tower_100
  - apartments_con_tower_002
* - s_apt_2ndfloor
* - s_apt

Additional information

curstwist commented 4 weeks ago

tested it, worked great.