I-am-Erk / CDDA-Tilesets

Master tileset repository for Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead
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[tool] Update check_overmap_coverage.py #2427

Closed vetall812 closed 3 weeks ago

vetall812 commented 3 weeks ago


Changed Camel to Snake name style Changed exit() to raise() Added -y | --yes key to remove user input after execution Added ability to select on of predefined marking symbol -m | --mark Added ability to sort results -s | --sort Added ability to export result to csv file -f | --file Added filtering by name -n | --name or by id -i | --id Added ability to print file that have sprited ID -j | --json

Content of the change


different types of filtering:

image image image

export results to csv:

image image

last example execution command: check_overmap_coverage.py . SurveyorsMap -m 'v' -s percent -i aband -n ware -f aban_ware.csv

(The dot here reflects my unwillingness to specify the path to the game; I want the script to find it automatically.)


Additional information