I-am-Erk / CDDA-Tilesets

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[LarwickOvermap] fixing more roads, wooden fort #2430

Closed ShnitzelX2 closed 3 weeks ago

ShnitzelX2 commented 3 weeks ago


-new tile for bandit camp -update deserter outpost -fixed roads for NECC, retirement community, nursing home, mobile park

Content of the change


Wooden Fort (bandit camp), Before/After -- I guess camouflage with normal forest tiles was the intent here, but its ASCII symbol is not a forest tile, so finding the fort on this overmap just ends up being annoying fort_before fort_after

Deserter Camp, Before/After deserter_before deserter_before_2

Mobile Park, Before/After (this is only part of a mobile park, but I generated several and they look fine) mobile_before mobile_after

NECC, Before/After necc_before necc_after

Nursing Home, Before/After nursing_home_before nursing_home_after

Retirement Community, Before/After retirement_before retirement_after

Additional information