I-am-Erk / CDDA-Tilesets

Master tileset repository for Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead
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Some tall sprites cover northern tile too much #327

Open int-ua opened 3 years ago

int-ua commented 3 years ago

Like trees making it hard to see brushes north of them. 2020-12-07-165242_1920x1080_scrot

  1. One option is to make them semi-transparent above a certain point. (vote with :eyes: )
  2. The other is always leave it as is. (vote with :-1: ) Any others?
  3. Implementing semi-transparency option in the game? (vote with :rocket: ) @Sashkow suggested:
  4. Make trees semi-transparent only if north tile contains some object or something harvestable. (vote with :heart: )
  5. Render things in the north tile behind tall trees as if they are in front of the trees but semi transparent (vote with :laughing: )

Discussion: https://discord.com/channels/552510581161066497/552510581782085654/785511928575295508

int-ua commented 3 years ago

Wrote this script to find all the tiles that are covering at least a certain percentage of the next tile:


Output for gfx/UltimateCataclysm/pngs_tall_32x64/:

$ find . -name "*.png" -exec ~/contribute/cdda/check_transparency.sh {} \;
./terrain/t_machinery_old/t_machinery_old.png covers more than 0.5
./terrain/t_column/t_column.png covers more than 0.5
./terrain/t_machinery_heavy/t_machinery_heavy.png covers more than 0.5
./terrain/t_atm/t_atm.png covers more than 0.5
./furniture/f_vending/f_vending_reinforced.png covers more than 0.5
./furniture/f_vending/f_vending_o.png covers more than 0.5
./furniture/f_vending/f_vending_c.png covers more than 0.5
./furniture/f_autodoc_couch/f_exam_bed.png covers more than 0.5
./furniture/f_shower/f_shower.png covers more than 0.5
./furniture/f_fridge/f_fridge_faceS.png covers more than 0.5
./furniture/f_fridge/f_fridge_faceE.png covers more than 0.5
./furniture/f_fridge/f_fridge_faceN.png covers more than 0.5
./furniture/f_fridge/f_fridge_faceW.png covers more than 0.5
./furniture/f_arcade_machine/f_arcade_machine.png covers more than 0.5
./furniture/f_machinery/f_machinery_old.png covers more than 0.5
./furniture/f_machinery/f_machinery_heavy1.png covers more than 0.5
Sashkow commented 3 years ago

Other possible options:

  1. Make trees semi-transparent only if north tile contains some object or something harvestable. (vote with :heart:)
  2. Render things in the north tile behind tall trees as if they are in front of the trees but semi transparent (vote with :laughing:)
acepleiades commented 3 years ago

I don't think that screenshot is very fair because it has clairvoyance. Here's the comment I wrote on reddit: Despite them not covering the above tile 100%, I don't need to actually see sprites above trees very often. Every monster that the character sees appears on the sidebar. I might miss an underbrush or berry bush sprite, but that's a minor issue. I also think they look good at that size

zantanzuken commented 3 years ago

i like the way that trees work right now, but i do agree that they cover over the top of sometimes important things, so being able to see behind them (when you or something else is behind them perhaps?) would be the idea solution. i'm with acepleiades that sometimes losing out on underbrush or berry bushes (or even an item, but you can shift-V to find that) is a minor thing

int-ua commented 3 years ago

Looks like the upstream discussion was not picked up when I linked this issue there: https://github.com/CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA/discussions/45925

vetall812 commented 6 months ago

Issue can be fixed with transparent variants of high objects.

t_tree and t_tree_transparent. you can see an example in Ultica-ISO tileset.

Procyonae commented 1 month ago

Issue can be fixed with transparent variants of high objects.

t_tree and t_tree_transparent. you can see an example in Ultica-ISO tileset.

I can't get this to work here for Ultica copying how Ultica-iso appears to do it, am I missing something? Update: That works fine I just missed the debug option to enable occlusion for all tilesets, thanks vetal <3