I-am-PUID-0 / pd_zurg

A combined docker image for the unified deployment of itsToggle's, yowmamasita's, and ncw's projects -- plex_debrid, zurg, and rclone
MIT License
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Directory path does not exist in Plex docker #51

Closed tarunkumar519 closed 1 month ago

tarunkumar519 commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug Rclone RD process not running when system reboots or in general

To Reproduce i already had plex setup, real-debrid for api then followed instructons here https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wGzoV11vG2jiSiKm_EoShrcig70pWYPDYiYbAXT5jRQ/edit#heading=h.nu4h35dxqc4q

Expected behavior Continuous operation of underlying scripts


Please see attached logs pd_zurg_logs.txt

Please complete the following information: OS: Debian 12, Docker version 26.1.1, build 4cf5afa, Portainer for stack staging

joobert commented 1 month ago

Thought I was going crazy, I'm having this exact same issue

joobert commented 1 month ago

Are you seriously gonna close the issue without telling what you did to fix??

tarunkumar519 commented 1 month ago

Heyy, sorry about that. I thought i deleted or closed my issue long ago. The issue question and what problem I had was different (when i posted the issue question it got resolved- so i changed the content to the next problem i had. )Sorry for the confusion.

I thought maybe you will open a new issue with exactly what problem you have. But here are my solutions:

  1. If you had the Plex directory path does not exist error - it means you maybe running it in docker (both plex and pd_zurg) , the PLEX DIR PATH env variable should be the container name of volume (not hostname) of zurg directory for Plex.

for example: Plex volume: /zurg is container name & the binded host volume is something like /mnt/pd_zurg where your movies & shows are linked by real debrid.

so the PLEX DIR PATH variable is /zurg

  1. if you had the RD quitting error, i donno how i fixed it, but when I fixed my dir path error i just removed all the files and freshly installed everything again and it just worked. Hope this helped
joobert commented 1 month ago

Thank you for your detailed response, big help! The paths problem has been solved, but the rclone problem persists whenever I reboot the system. Hopefully this gets addressed