I2PC / scipion

Scipion is an image processing framework to obtain 3D models of macromolecular complexes using Electron Microscopy (3DEM)
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CreateOutputStep's Movie align protocols bug #2053

Closed dmaluenda closed 4 years ago

dmaluenda commented 4 years ago

Describe the bug CreateOutputStep's Movie align protocols fails if doseWeithing is applaied and also saveMovies and saveUnWeithedMics are False.

To Reproduce

  1. Import movies providing some dose per frame value
  2. Run motioncor disabling the 'Save unWeithed micrographs' (in order to save disk).
  3. See how all run as expected until the last step
  4. See the error in the last step due to outputMicrographs doesn't exist.

Error source https://github.com/I2PC/scipion/blob/d1a60f69960d1079bbbecde5bf3f5f4017b36927/pyworkflow/em/protocol/protocol_align_movies.py#L110_L114

How to fix My proposal is to watch any output

# validate that we have some output movies
for outName, out in self.iterOutputAttributes():
    output = out


    self.warning(yellowStr("WARNING - Failed to align %d movies."
                           % (len(self.listOfMovies) - output.getSize())))
azazellochg commented 4 years ago

Fixed in https://github.com/scipion-em/scipion-em/commit/da38ef4d2b5052637809a1d8cdc2cc17a0b36e52 for scipion 3.0